Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Spiders in the night creeping 'round the walls now...

Monday, mom and I carried the mower out of the basement. I have a stairway going to the outside covered with metal doors. This stairway is very rarely used, and has several cobwebs on it's sides. Going down the stairs one time, I noticed two different spiders in their webs. I don't like spiders, but I'm phobic about them.

Later in the evening, I noticed what I thought was a pimple on my left forearm. It itched, but nothing more. The next morning, it looked like this:

Which I'm sorry isn't very clear, but yes is does look like a pus filled pimple the size of the end of a pencil eraser. Not a good thing. When I was at work, I asked the nurses about it. They confirmed it was a spider bite. NOT a brown recluse, cause that would be much bigger and ulcerated, which was a relief to me. Actually, there's no pain, just an itch. So with a sterile device, the nurse popped it, and used a medicated pad to squeeze the pus out. Again, no pain. She put a dollop of hydracortazone cream on it, had me rub it in, gave me the tub and told me to do it seveal times a day.

This morning, it was filled with pus again, although not as big as the first time. I didn't go to work today, but I have been putting the cream on. And tomorrow, I'll have the nurses look at it again.

It's my first experience with spider bites and while it's not really pleasant, it's not as bad as I thought a spider bite could be.

And on an entirely unrelated note, this is what I had for supper tonight:

The salad totally balances out the pizza and Pepsi, right?



FDot said...

You had a salad? I couldn't tell what was under the gallon of dressing.

Michelle M. said...

As long as that's a diet soda it does : ).

I was bitten by a brown recluse spider and ended up in the hospital for a week. It was not pretty. Glad that you had yours looked at. Stay away from anything with 8 legs is my rule of thumb.

that's J-O-S-H said...