Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What about your friends? what about what about...

Over the last week I've had two, count 'em TWO visiting from Tam, The Travelin' Canadian. (I'm working on a theme song to go along with that) You can check out her blog here and read about her vacation and visit here from her perspective.

Anyway, last Tuesday, she arrived here. She had a gift for me: a case of LaBatts direct from Canada itself! YAY! We went to Mama Polt's to eat. We had hamburger and hot dogs on the grill, and all the extras (pickles, chips, mac salad, etc). Tam go to meet not only Mama Polt but Angel as well. We attempted to get some photos with Tam's camera and only learned later in the evening, Tam had the camera set on video and not photo. So we got a few disjointed but hilarious videos.

Mom had bought a cherry pie. We had some, but she told Tam she could take the rest with her. We forgot it and left it at Mom's. She brought it down to the house later in the evening. The next morning, Tam left without it. the upside was, I got to eat the rest of the pie during the week.

Tam and I spent the evening after returning here as only two long lost friends can do once they see each other again. We sat in my living room and were on our own computers for a few hours. Good times.

The next morning, I went in to work late so I could take Tam out to eat at a local breakfast buffet. It was filling and to Tam' surprise, very cheap. But this is Waynesboro not Ottawa. And I had to laugh when we both were at the buffet once and I came back to the table and there, on the table in plain view, sat Tam's purse. *SIGH* Oh those trusting Canadians. I'm pretty I've never seen mom leave her purse at an unattended table in a restaurant, even here in little Waynesboro.

Anyway, we returned to the house, I got what I needed for work, she got her stuff, and off we went, she following me as I led her on her way out of town and towards Dulles airport. But we didn't even get out of town when she pulled up next to me at a stop sign and told me she left her phone at my house. So back we went to retrieve the phone and then we went on our way.

While Tam was in Virginia with her friends on vacation, I spoke to mom. I asked her, if she had time over the weekend, would she be able to make a cherry pie from scratch for Tam to take home. Especially since Tam had said pie was her daughter's favorite dessert. So mom did. Also, I said that burgers and dogs on the grill were great, but not a good example of the vaunted Mama Polt cooking skills. So she would do something about that, she said. Friday, she picked some green beans from a relative's garden and when Tam was here on Sunday night, we had ham, sweet potatos and green beans. And some of a second homemade from scratch cherry pie she had made for us to eat then. Yum!

Tam got here on Sunday before 2:00. We ended up going to Hagerstown, where she bought a laptop (cheaper here and less tax) and I bought some Dr. Who DVDs. Then we returned here, hung out a bit and went to mom's to eat. This time, we actually got good photos, not videos, of us there. We returned here, played on the computers again, but we also watched "28 Days Later" on DVD. Even though I had seen it before years ago, it still stood up to a second viewing. Just as good as the first time. Although this time, I noticed it had the 9th Doctor Who in it, as well as one of Harry Potter's teachers from the movies.

We hung out here and talked for a bit before retiring for the night. The next morning, after getting ready, I drove her to the Post Office where I mailed a few bills/cards, and she mailed three packages of books to friends. Even overseas to The Netherlands. It seems the US Postal Service is better than Canada Mail...who knew?

And then Tam was on her way home, both of us a bit saddened at the parting, but knowing we'd see each other again in a month at Craiggers' Punatabupoolparty!

And of COURSE I got photos!

This is with my totally awesome, although possibly illegally smuggled through customs, case of genuine Canadian LaBatt's Blue!!!

Tam and Mama Polt, holding Angel on their laps. I was impressed how we managed to get photos with Angel looking at the camera. That's a hard thing to do!

Tam, me and Angel again. I gotta say, those ears of hers (Angel's, not Tam's) always crack me up with the way they position themselves sometimes!

Before coming here Sunday, Tam stopping in DC to have lunch with the equally awesome
VUBOQ. And when she got to my place, Tam handed me the above pictured vase. It was a present from VUBOQ himself. He makes these little pottery things! And now I have a VUBOQ original! Seriously, I think is so awesome cause I can't make ANYthing with my hands, pottery, food, art, nothing. Well, I CAN make other people pretty damn happy with my hands, but that's not something you can give to anyone. Well, not to EVERYone. but I digress... I've got the vase sitting proudly in the middle of my dining room table!

So in one week I got to meet Tam twice, AND got a VUBOQ original. Be jealous, bi-otches!



Tam said...

Jeez, we were the youngest people having breakfast. I could have taken down that old Grandma if she'd grabbed my purse. LOL

I had such a good time and thank you for being a wonderful host and letting me crash and driving me around and Mama Polt for feeding me. Only a few more weeks and we'll do it all again (without the Mama Polt meals).

john said...

It is official, I am *totally* jealous.