Thursday, June 17, 2010

Please now turn off the light your infection...

So, you all remember my spider bite ? Well, now, lucky me, it's infected with MRSA. Lovely. Today, after I took the bandage off, it looked more pus filled so I went back to the Medical department and showed them. One of the nurses who's opinions I trust said we should lance it and get the pus out.

With gloves on her hands, a whole package of sterile bandage squares and the hot water running, she popped it and squeezed. Oh how THAT was fun. It wasn't the worst pain I ever felt in my life (that would be when i got dry socket after the pulling of a tooth), but it was pretty freakin' bad. I had to grip the side of a tabletop, stamp my foot, and, well, frankly, yell. I apologized to her, but she said I was handling it well, cause some guys scream at the top of their lungs. Luckily I wasn't doing that. Or so she said.

I couldn't watch, but at one point, I did look, and I saw blood coming out. You know how water fountains are when they don't have much pressure and the water just kinda bubbles out in a stream? Well that's exactly what I saw my blood doing! With a bit of yellow pus mixed it. Seeing it made it feel worse, go figure.

Then she had to get this really long tipped tweezers and she had to get inside the wound and pull out the MRSA infection itself! Honestly, it sounds much worse than it felt, cause that pain wasn't too bad. But every time she squeezed it, well, yeah, that's when the shouting started and I was swearing under my breath. And she kept apologizing for the pain, which wasn't her fault.

When she was done, the wound was open, red, raw, slightly bleeding. The hole is about the size of the fingernail on my pinkie finger, but man, it looked bad. She put some ointment on it, but a sterile pad, and wrapped it up. She told me to not get it wet and to see her tomorrow. Oh, and the doctor wrote me a prescription for some antibiotics, which I've already started myself on.

Tonight, my arms hurts. It's not a sharp pain, it's kinda like a dull throb. I think it's from having to squeeze all that gunk out. And in addition, I have a headache, and I might have a fever. Whether this is related to this or jsut the onset of some flu, I have no idea. But the 'flu' hasn't gotten any worse so that's a good thing.

So yeah, I'm on anti-biotics for two weeks, might have to go through more squeezing pain tomorrow, and have a hateful, hurtful wound on my arm. All in all, things are going well, wouldn't you say?



Tam said...

Holy hell. Don't you dare ask me to go in your basement when I get there. That sounds awful. Hope it feels better soon and no more squeezing required. Ugh.

john said...

I'm glad you started on the antibiotic. MRSA can be pretty nasty stuff, so I'm glad you are getting it taken care of.

jimm said...

umm... ok... so now it's friday nite. You didn't die from an infection, did you?