Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Bring more light than 5000 hurts....

So, this post is a bit of an milestone as it's my 5000th post!

5000 posts and just a month shy of my 5th anniversary.

Roughly 1000 posts a year...

Christ, I have GOT to get a life.



john said...

HOLY CRAP! That's awesome! Here's to 5000 more!

FDot said...

That's not so bad, considering you've been alive for over 15,000 days.

Tam said...

Wow. Yay you!!!!! That's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5K mark.

I'm only at 1,600 posts in 5 years (Well, a tad less - in 5 months it makes it 5 years!)

So you average 1,000 a year or 2.7 posts a day.

I average 320 a year or .9 posts a day.

Craig said...


Michelle M. said...

Hurray!! Here's to 5,000 more!