Wednesday, June 02, 2010

But i was waiting for the miracle...

So you meet someone, he's 18, really cute, a fun guy. You like him, but he's straight, so you just keep it at the friend level. Seven years pass. You see him three or four times a year, if that. He calls you occasionally to talk. He calls you when he has a problem because he trusts you and your advice. Over the seven years, he finds out you're gay, but doesn't care at all. You're there for him through several of his relationships, helping him deal with the problems in them and through the breakups. You're not particularly close friends, but you consider your friendship a deep one.

Then a few weeks ago, he calls you, slightly drunk, near tears and very upset over issues with past and present girlfriends. Despite the lateness of the hour, you agree to meet him. Both of you spend the next three hours talking things over. He sobers up and lightens up. Both of you feel relieved.

He also mentions during the course of the conversation that he wonders if men would be any easier to date than women. So you spend some time discussing the problems of dating gay men. And during this, he mentions that, yes, indeed, he has been curious as to what sex with a guy would be like. You offer yourself, if he should ever want to, and move on with the conversation. Nothing else is said until the end, when you have your customary goodbye hug. And he says he'll be in touch, and he does want to get together to try it.

Four days after that, you spend six hours with him, a majority of the time, fooling around. He's hesitant, a bit skittish, and there's certain things he has no interest in doing. But he's willing to try quite a few things, and really gets into it. And a good time is had by both of you.

And the friendship has not been adversely affected. And there's been an expressed interest in a repeat performance.

Seven years....good things do INDEED come to those who wait.



Anonymous said...

Good on you Polt for dragging him out!

Craig said...

Well done!

Polt said...

Well I didn't really "drag him out", I didn't even think anything like this could happen until a few weeks ago. (not that I didn't fantasize about it, you understand) I think I was just someone who he felt comfortable with, comfortable with enough to venture into trying it.

Hopefully, he'll want to try it again soon. If not, we'll we're still friends. :)