Monday, June 28, 2010

Up against that cold stone wall 'cause nobody's perfect...

On a hot summer evening in NYC, a group of drag queens, bull dykes, and nelly boys decided they weren't gonna take any more of the shit the authorities had been shoveling onto them for years. They fought back and on this date, forty two years ago, they unknowningly started the Gay Rights Revolution. Unfortunately, that struggle continues even to this day.

And I can tell you with certainty that drag queens and bull dykes and pissed off nelly boys are things you do NOT want to fuck with. There was a gay bar in Hagerstown called HeadQuarters. It was right along one of the main streets and the front door opened right out onto the sidewalk. And behind the bar was an older German lady named Vera. She was straight and spoke accented English. She was short and heavy and tough as nails, but she was always sweet and pleasant to "her boys".

One Saturday night someone or someones opened the front door and yelled inside "Die FAGS!". Well, all the 'normal' queers like me just stood there in shock. But Vera grabbed a baseball bat she kept behind the bar, came tearing around the bar and ran out the door. Behind her followed about five bull dykes bigger, stronger and tougher than I am. And along with the dykes went two drag queens, both with tall hair and flamboyant dresses and one of them carrying her high heeled shoes. And several little twinkie boys, flaming screaming queens, ran out after them and stood right outside and cheered them on as the others raced half a block after the homophobes.

They didnt catch them, which was probably a good thing for both sides. And when they returned to the bar, it erupted in applause for them. And then the night progressed as normal.

But my point is, it was the dykes, drag queens and nelly boys who went after them. Just as it was those same people who started the Gay Rights crusade. And more power to them.

So everyone have a great Gay Pride Day. And remember to not piss of any bull dykes, or drag queens or nelly boys. As Buddy Cole once said on The Kids In The Hall, "An angry drag queen is worse than a minotaur!"


1 comment:

Tam said...

Thanks for sharing your story. I think most people's reactions to something like that is just to freeze in a bit of shock. Glad to hear that Vera took up the bat in defense of the cause and had back-up. As you said, probably best nothing came of it but I'll bet it gave the idiots pause next time they decided to voice their biggotted opinions.