Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We've got five years, stuck on my eyes...

Today, June 23rd, is the 5th Anniversary of the birth of Polt's Palace!

Five whole years! Who knew it would last this long?

The traditional gift for a 5th anniversary is wood, and frankly that double entrendre is so easy, I'm just gonna let you all make it for yourself.

I've shown the first post before on previous anniversaries. This time I'll link to the second post, still made on the first day of the Palace. It just includes a bit more info, and the first photo I ever put on the Palace.

So, after 5 years what keeps me going? Lack of a life and boredom probably. Oh, that and all the great freinds I've met online. Thanks to all of you! Please keep stopping by and leaving comments. I love hearing from all of you. It confirms for me that what I'm typing here isn't just going out into the blogosphere never to be seen or heard of again. Like radio broadcasts into outer space.

Anyways, we'll see if the Palace is around in 5 more years. And don't forget 'wood' gifts are appropriate for this occasion!



Anonymous said...

Congrats on five years. In about 5 months mine turns 5 years old too.

Michelle M. said...

Congratulations! Five years - that's a lot of posts. Hope that you will be entertaining us for the next 5 (and more : ).

that's J-O-S-H said...

Happy anniversario.

Tam said...

Happy Bloggaverary!!! To five more years. Here's my gift. (NSFW by a mile)

Mark My Words said...

Happy 5th, and here's to many many more!

john said...

Happy blogiversary Polt! The Palace is a blast and I look forward to the next five years.

Craig said...

Congratulations on the amazing milestone! Keep up the great work!