Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I sit and drink pennyroyal tea...

My youngest cousin is getting married in August (and I can still remember carrying her in one arm right after she was born. I'm 14 years older than her...sigh...where does the time go?). She had her bridal shower this past weekend.

It wasn't a surprise, she helped plan it. She wanted to have 'old-fashioned tea' bridal shower. So there's this place where she lives that has teas, and she reserved it and sent the reservations out. And of COURSE she included her favorite aunt, hell everyone's favorite aunt, Mama Polt!

Well, Mom decided she was gonna go all out on the 'old fashioned tea' idea. She went out and got a hat, and gloves, a few others to fit in. Natrually, though, she was the only one who was so attired.

She said she felt like a celebrity there, though, because everyone wanted a picture of her in her getup. So she smiled and posed and occasionally waved. And of course, as she always does, she laughed about it all.

Here is mom:

Here is mom with the bride to be:



Tam said...

Adorable. LOVE the pink gloves.

Michelle M. said...

Your mom is reaching Richard Parker levels of cuteness.