Saturday, June 12, 2010

One time, when I was twelve, in summer camp (Part 30)...

12 for the 12th
June 2010 edition
This whole idea originated with CHAD. Stop by his place and see what others put up.

I'm just gonna sneak this in under the wire...BUT, today was not only the 12th, but it also happened to be the DC Gay Pride Parade! I'll have a full post on the parade itself here later (theres over 125 photos I have to go through, cut me some slack). But for today, so I could kill two birds with one stone, I just went through all the photos and picked out 12 for the 12 For The 12th. I usually post the times as well as a short description, but this time, all of these are between 6:30 and 9:00 PM. That's the best I can do, time wise. Enjoy.

A Photo of Zorba's Cafe, which will meaningless to most of you, but those who know me and know the story, well, they should be laughing their asses off right about now.

One of, if not THE, hottest ass I saw down there today. And possibly ever. It was an ass one would expect to on a statue carved of marble. It truly was ALL THAT. As was the guy it was attached to.

we queers come in all sizes. I don't think the two guys on the right were together, but the tall was was REALLY tall, like 6'6" or something, and the small guy was REALLY small. It was only later that I noticed I got the cute str8 couple as well. Early in the day, I had talked to them for a short bit, and the guy is as hot as he is tall!

DC's non-voting representative to the House Of Representatives, Eleanor Holmes Norton. She's marched in every single parade I've seen, and I always got a photo of her. It's become like a tradition between us!

Towers of balloons. You can also get a slight idea of the size of the crowd watching the parade.

This is a photo of an inCREDibly hot and sexy redhead that was marching in the parade...just as the flag flew over his face. *SIGH* Well you can at least see the cute-ish guys with him and how nice is body was.

This is Isaac and his sister. They stood in front of me for a good bit of the parade, and DAMN they were getting EVERYTHING! Look at all the bling he's wearing around his neck! I can assure you he didn't arrive wearing all that!

I don't know this group's official name, but I always call them "The Dancing Cowboys". They're a crowd, and Polt, favorite.

This is a photo of an inCREDibly hot black guy driving one of the cars...with his arm in the way of his face. *SIGH* Yeah, this would be a reoccuring theme.

But not ALL my photos were misses! Hot, sexy, cute Asian with no shirt and pierced nipples. Yep, got it all. Only thing missing is the hairthing.

Rainbow dyed mohawk on big lesbian who stood next to me and shouted directions to someone over her phone for HOURS! Or what seemed like hours. She had really cute guys with her, so by gazing at them, I totally zoned out and didn't hear her yelling.

And the highlight of the evening: Meeting VUBOQ of course! The photos you see of him online? Nope, they do NOT do justice to the cuteness that IS VUBOQ! Even though our visit was unfortunately short, it was an honor to finally meet him! And a blast too, as you can tell by the photo. He wore his awesome purple pants JUST for me! :)

Anyways, more Pride photos forthcoming! I hope everyone had a pleasant 12th!



tornwordo said...

No fair meeting VUBOQ! And I totally spaced on 12 of 12. Dagnabbit!

vuboq said...

The dance group is called the DC Cowboys. One of my friends is their assistant stage manager.

Superfun meeting you too! next time we will have to do more than a quick meet and greet photo op.


Tam said...

Awwww. You guys are cute as a button. Looks like a great parade. Looking forward to the other photos.

Michelle M. said...

The highlight of the post: the (absolutely adorable) picture of you and VUBOQ! Glad you had a great time. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.

Sunny Archibald said...

Looks as if you had a blast scoping everyone out at the parade. The big Mohawk gal is quite a sight. Glad you had a fun day. Thanks for sharing.

TJ said...

Thanks for sharing your day. it's always cool to peek into a person's life through their photography. I look forward to next months.