Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The back of your hand, somewhere on my behind (Part 21)...

Tooshie Tuesdays
This week's theme: Tooshies in Jockstraps.



Tam said...

Am I the ONLY person who doesn't find jocks appealing? The underwear, not the athletes? Okay, they can make a butt look great, but in general, eh. Give me some proper undies or nekkidness.

Polt said...

IDK Tam, I think jocks can be sexy, but they aren't always. BUt that LAST photo could be wearing a phone book, and his ass would still be awesome-tacular!


john said...

They are quite a fetish, but on the few occasions I have had to wear one, I found it uncomfortable.

Michelle M. said...

I don't understand the whole jockstrap thing. Looks mighty uncomfortable.