Monday, August 30, 2010

Lame reaction it's a bad day it's a long ride...

I hate todays like today.

First, it was a Monday, which is usually my day off, but since a coworker worked for me Saturday so I could attend my cousin's wedding (more on that in an upcoming post), I worked today for her. Nonetheless, I hate working Mondays. And I didn't want to get out of bed. At all. And I was in a bad mood all day, snapping at and being curt and short with people I really shouldn't have.

Bossy, Know-it-all Coworker (here on out, known as BKC) decided she was only going to do 2/7ths of what she was supposed to do, and left the rest for me to do. Just cause she didn't FEEL like doing it apparently. She's due to retire sometime around the end of the year, and if BKC said she was retiring tomorrow, it would NOT be too soon.

There's three of us in my department, and one of us is on vacation. Frankly, I'd prefer to just go the whole week alone without BKC there. Sure, it'd be extra work, but I wouldn't have to deal with all the drama and shit she brings to work. See, she USED to be the big fish in the pond. She had the ear of the powers that be, and anything she wanted, no matter how stupid or illogical, no matter that the other 2/3rds of our department felt it should be done a different way, she'd just go to the power that be and have them decide to do it her way. She was the unquestioned queen, not only of our department, but of a good portion of my workplace in general. She could do what she wanted with impunity, with no fear of reprisal cause of her relationships with the powers the be.

Well, over the last three years, two of the three powers that be retired. Leaving just one, the one that was least sympathetic to her. And people filled the positions of the two that retired, that knew what kinda person she truly was and saw through her facades and basically cut her off at the knees. The power she perceived she had went from immense to miniscule, or at least, no moreso than I or my other department coworker had. In fact, I dare say, I was listened to more then she was in some cases. And that has pissed her off to no end.

Depsite the innocent, good Christian woman facade she presents, I and my other department coworker knew her true self: a sneaky, lying, slimy, back-stabbing, bossy know-it-all who threw childish tantrums if she didn't get her own way. She's got a vicious streak a mile wild, albeit being very passive-aggressive. And she nurses a grudge forever, until she gets milk from it. And since the retirements, more and more people at work have been seeing this side of her.

She burned many bridges when she was 'in power', and it's all coming back to haunt her now. And she's mean, bitter and vidicitive. And now that's she close to retiring, I think her thoughts are two-fold. 1) "I'm gonna try to fuck up as much as I can before I leave to show them they can't treat me this way." and 2) "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want because I'm retiring. What can they do to me?"

And so, I had to deal with her drama and shit all day. Hence, my melodramatic and crappy day. Thank God it's over. Unforunately, since the third department coworker is on vacation all week, I have to deal with BKC's drama and shit until Friday. Thankfully, Saturday will be a day by myself, like they always are, and that should go well.

And I just keep telling myself, "in less than 4 months, she'll be gone, and I'll NEVER have to deal with her again. And things will be drama and shit free (or at least free of HER drama and shit)." How great that will be not to have to deal with all the tension and stress.'re a bitch. And you're sad. And you know it. Get over yourself. You're not impressing anyone.



Tam said...

It's tough when you have to work with someone like that and you are only counting down the days until they leave. Ugh. Mojo that you survive the rest of the week.

Michelle M. said...

Yikes. She sounds HORRIBLE. I had a crap Monday too. Almost quit today. It's just a matter of time.

Hope the 4 months go quickly!