Saturday, August 28, 2010

We will rally from the hillside...

Just in case anyone's not aware, Glennie Beck is having a rally on the Lincoln Memorial in DC to 'take back' Martin Luthor King Jr's, "I Have A Dream" speech, cause we ALL know the Reverend Doctor was giving that speech for all the white, wealthy, middle-class, Republican, conservative, batshit crazy teabagger's of his era. *SIGH* If you're going, don't forget to take your Confederate flag and white sheet with ya, 'kay?

And I'm certain, Faux News tonight, tomorrow and all throughout the next month will accurately report the number of people attending as 947 billion. Or at least as some outrageously large number bigger than the number that actually attended the "I Have A Dream" speech all those years ago. Cause that's just how 'fair and balanced' they are when it comes to facts.


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