Saturday, August 28, 2010

My baby's got a secret (Part 72)...

Secret Saturdays
These come from Stop by and check them out.

In honor of my cousin Faith's wedding later today, this week's theme is Weddings!



Tam said...

I'd love to go to a theme wedding sometime. If you ever get married make it a superhero theme and we all have to come in costume except for Superman and ?, the other groom. Kay? Do that for me.

Polt said...

How about Batman and Robin be the grooms? That's a bit creepy though, innit? how about Superman and Thor (Thor's got a blonde hairthing, ya know?)


Michelle M. said...

Ooh! That would be fantastic. Is Kato a superhero? He doesn't have a hairthing, though. How about Samurai? SuperViagra would always keep you satisfied...

I WONDER who I will go as??