Sunday, August 15, 2010

My day, August 15, 2010. By Polt.

I slept in until 10:30.
I came downstairs, harvested my crops (shut up), planted new ones (shut up again), decongested, read some blogs.
I showered and dressed.
I was going to walk to mom's but it was raining, so I drove up.
I read the paper and some of my book until she was ready.
We went to the outlets in Hagerstown so she could return a pair of shoes.
We went to "the fat man's store" and I bought two pairs of shorts.
We drove to the mall and ate lunch at Garfields.
We went to A Local Celebrity, Mr. David Parispeking's house to pick up the de-humidifier he was giving me for my basement.
We got see and say hit to Abby and Katey.
We returned to my house.
She wanted to walk home, I and hooked the dehumidifier up in the basement.
I laid on the bed and read some more of my book.
I took a short nap.
I went to the attic to get all my soundtrack CD's for the 4.0 CD exchange.
I put them all on my computer.
I picked out the one's I wanted and got them organized.
I ordered some books online.
I ate the leftovers from Garfields.
I took a 50 minute walk through the humidity.
I came home and immediately took a cool shower.
I updated my log of debit card uses in the last week to ten days.
I came to the computer and am now doing some blog updates and other computer things.
Later, I shall probably decongest again.
I will probably then go to bed to read my book some more, int he a/c that I've since turned on.
I will go to sleep.

All in all, it was a pretty damn good day.



that's J-O-S-H said...

Congratz on getting more done in one day than I do in an entire week.

I feel like lazybonez mania.

Polt said...

And yeah, Josh that's probably more than I'm going to do the rest of the week as well. I'm usually a lazybonez mania myself, no idea what got into me today.


Anonymous said...

Lets see. Today Keyron and I went over to the Brickway Cafe for breakfast. I started laundry before we left.

Came back, threw one load in the dryer, another in the washer and then out again.

Off to the supermarket for groceries.

Back home then out for some frozen lemonade.

Back home for dinner. Then out for a drive. Rented a car for the weekend and I'll be damned if I took it out with less than 1/4 tank that I'm going to bring it back without going to that exact level.

Drove down to Narragansett and back.