Monday, August 16, 2010

No more movies for a week or two...

This week, I discovered the two Netflix DVDs I've had sitting around here for, well...months. I decided that was enough time (and spending $14 on the same two DVDs just sitting here for months is flatly stupid) and I decided to watch them both this weekend.

This first was "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist". I had thought this would be the typical 'pack of teenagers spend a night in NYC having wacky adventures' kinda movie I've seen before. I was pleansantly surprised to find out it was NOT!

This is a delightful little film. It reminded me of a straight version of Trick. It was fun, quirky, with some witty dialogue and it actually made me laugh out loud in several places. And really, how can any movie with a band of mostly cute young gay guys be bad? A few of the situations were a bit outlandish, but nothing that made me think, "No way." The only very minor issue I had was with Michael Cera. He plays the 'nerd' character to a T, and that's what he was playing here and did it well. I could easily see how Norah would fall for him. However, it's totally implausble to me that his ex-girlfriend, Tris, would EVER date such a schlub in the first place. If the Nick character had been played by the actor playing Dev, or the actor playing Dev's beefy guy date, or even the actor who was playing Gary, Tris' current himbo, well then that would make sense. But Tris just seemed too much of a status diva to ever date a Michael Cera. Other than this small little thing, the movie was just a joy from beginning to end. And it's got appearances by Jay Baruchel, SNL's Andy Samberg, and John "Sulu" Cho! What's not to love?

The other movie I had was "Without A Paddle." A coworker had told me just recently that he caught this on cable and laughed his ass off. I was hoping for a few chuckles. I didn't get them.

The movie was SO abyssmal I won't even provide a link to it. It was cliched, brain-dead, not funny and a waste of time. In fact, when the DVD had issue about 2/3rds of the way through and kept getting stuck in one spot, as some DVD's do, I didn't even bother to try to correct it. I just shut it off and took it out to mail back. Yes, it WAS that bad. The only upside was getting to see Matthew Lillard's biceps flex occasionally when he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. I understand there's a part of the movie I didn't get to when they're running around in just their boxers. But this flick was so bad, I didn't even try to see that part. And THAT, my friends, should tell you everything you need to know about what I thought of it.


1 comment:

Tam said...

We went to Nick and Nora in the theatres and enjoyed it. How long can Michael Cera keep playing the 18 year old Dork? Into his 50's?

I will definitely pass on the second one, not that I would have considered it in the first place. LOL