Thursday, August 12, 2010

One time, in summer camp, when I was 12 (Part 31)...

12 for the 12th
August, 2010 edition

So, after totally forgetting about this in July, I remembered last night and this morning...and then promptly forgot about it all until early this evening. *SIGH* So there's kind of a big break in the middle of the day, but whatever, at least I got 12 photos. Oh, and this is all the brainchild of CHAD. Stop by his blog and check out a few other people.

I remembered to take my camera up to bed with me and upon returning from a trip to the bathroom, I snapped this photo of the alarm clock.

Each morning, mom gets the paper delivered, reads it and then puts it back in the box for me to get and take to work. If she's still outside with the dog when I get there, she brings the paper to the car. And if Angel's out, she'll whine and whimper until she's picked up and brought to the window so I can pet her and say good morning.

This is my usual breakfast on work days: A cup of crappy coffee and two granola bars. Yummy.

After work, I went to Sam's Club to buy some stuff, but I totally forgot to take my camera in with me. So once I got home, I took a photo of the stuff I bought for work. I have the candy jar in my office for my coworkers to get a piece of chocolate if they want it, and this is my refill supplies.

Since it's been hot as Satan's taint, and just as humid, I HAVE to turn the a/c on as soon as I get home.

I had some window replaced this summer, and I decided it was finally time to put the Tub O'Porn back where it belongs below one of the new ones. It's a rather large tub, compare it to the window. But as Confusious says, a man can NEVER have too much gay porn. Or was that Rip Taylor? I get them mixed up all the time.

Had to wash a load of whites.

And only when I stepped in a totally soaked rug did I notice the rain from the torrential downpours we've had today came in through the basement window, ran down the wall and covered one whole corner of the basement. *SIGH* Oh the joys of home ownership.

While the clothes washed, I popped in this DVD I've had from Netflix for, well months. And I gotta tell ya, much to my surprise I LOVED this movie! I may have a review of it sometime later. I highly recommend it.

Gotta harvest the white grapes and plant some ghost chilis!

And the whites ended up all warm and dry and clean and fluffy.

A healthy nummy orange for a snack.



Michelle M. said...

That's what I eat for breakfast, too! Well, I eat the chocolate ones on weekdays and the peanut butter ones on the weekends (can't have peanut stuff at work - we have a kid with a peanut allergy). We get the Costco pack and it also has oatmeal raisin ones, but I give those to Harry, because they they are yucky. This comment is reaching Justin proportions, so I'll wrap it up by saying that if I worked in your building I would probably visit you (and your candy dish) at least 4 times a day.

Sunny Archibald said...

You have an angel for a mother, to actually get up early so she can read the paper before you go to work. That sure wouldn't happen around my house! Yeah to freshly clean clothes. I wonder....did you leave them in the dryer to dig through as needed or take them out and fold them? See you next month.

Tam said...

I think I got that exact washer when I was on vacation. They delivered but it looks identical. Twins!!!

Polt said...

Pfft, Tam, it's not like we didn't already know we were twins. It should only be a surprise if our washers were NOT the same! :)


JCB said...

Oh Farmville. How I love you and how I hate you. being a homeowner can really be a chomp in the shorts somedays can't it?!