Friday, August 06, 2010

Song was playing in my mind three and a half minutes...

Puntabupoolparty, Day 3.5 (Sunday night)

After we said our goodbyes to those leaving and everyone else went back to their rooms, I got a text from Craig saying that anyone still left was welcome to come back to his place for drinks and hanging out later. A return trip to the Puntabudomicile? Who'd say no to that?

FDot hung out in our room until Tam and Kristin were ready. That's when Nathan told me that he could tell what instrument someone should play just by thier personalities, or something. At my urging he informed me that I should play the trombone, cause it's obnoxiously loud and brassy, doesn't do a whole lot in the orchestra, but when it does, everyone watches what it's doing. It did indeed sound like me, but I still scoffed. And I decided since A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking is a high school music teacher/orchestra condcutor, I'd check with him. So I called him and asked him what instrument in an orchestra I should play. After much laughter he thought a few moments and then said, "The trombone." Oh my GOD, did we go nuts! I guess it's preordained that I play the trombone. Course, I HAVE always been pretty good at sliding the bones. ba-dum-DUM!

Okay, onto the party. the five of us got there and Craiggers immediately started plying us with beer and leftover food. His parents had gone that day to visit family in Pennsylvania, so we were the clean up crew as far as leftovers were concerned. And clean up we did. Reheated New Yawk pizza is almost better than fresh! And FDot's cookies are delish no matter when they're eaten! And we polished off some beer. And all of us but Tam got in the pool for a bit. And there was much more conversating and joking around and fun times.

And then, about 9 or 10-ish, I think, we had to leave, cause Craiggers had to get up early for work. So even MORE sad goodbyes were said. This time, not only between Craig and the rest of us, but between all of us as well, as we'd not see each other in the morning more than likely. Nathan and I returned to the room, hung out a bit and went to bed. The next morning, after breakfast, he drove me to the Long Island Railroad station and then started on his trek back to Canada (which took much less than his trip down, but he WAS stuck at the border for an hour and a half waiting to cross!) My trip back took me about 9 hours and went...well not as smoothly as the trip up, but still it went okay. And then, I was left with nothing but memories of the weekend.

Oh, and these photos too!

Nathan in his clashing purple plaid outfit that he swore I would never photograph him in. (Thanks Tam!)

The purple brigade at the pool!

Nathan and Kristin enjoying the pool.

And FDot's crotch as well.

Craiggers using the floaty thingee to spray us with water. How does this, I wonder, compare to the Puntabuschlong?

Nathan and Craig.

FDot, Craig and the PURPLE floaty thingee.

As you can see, only bed was slept in that last night. Does that mean Nathan and I had a Puntabuhookup OR does it mean that I told Nathan several times if he didn't stop what he was doing/do what I told him/just shut up, he'd end up sleeping in the hallway.

And Uncle Polt always keeps his promises!

In Penn Station, waiting for Amtrak, I found a Tim Horton's, and snapped a photo for the Canadian Wing Of The Puntabupeeps.

And a close up of my purple shell found by Michelle M.!



Tam said...

Ha! I had to show Kristen Nathan sleeping in the hallway. You guys are hilarious. She whines about being cold too. Damn kids. :-)

Glad you made it home safe even if it took you as long as Nathan.

Yay Timmies. :-)

Polt said...

Nathan was a pretty great kid. He frequently had me laughing, actually.

And yeah, damn kids, too cold, swimming in their regular clothes, hanging out with really cool really older people....*SIGH*...what's gotten INTO kids today??? :)


Anonymous said...

That picture is *HILARIOUS* -- are you serious that he slept in the hall because you had the a/c on too cold?!

Looks like you guys had a great time back at the Puntabulous compound Sunday night! I noticed the little floaty noodle things when I was there but by the time people started swimming I had forgotten about them. I'm glad there was a purple one for you :)

Michelle M. said...

I'm glad you guys got to squeeze in some more fun. Even if it was without me : (.

Nathan sleeping in the hall cracks me up. Polt, you are too funny.

Craig said...

LOL! Love that picture of Nathan sleeping in the hall!