Monday, August 09, 2010

Well nigga i charge a fee each additional minute...

Puntabupoolparty, addendum
I'm not really sure what happened, but when I was moving my photos around, I inadvertently put a few of them in a file they weren't supposed to be in. And just last night, I found them. So, in other words, I've got a few more photos to share.

Some of us spent most our time next to the alcohol.

Michelle M. made lots of new friends.

And she wasn't the only one (and this is the ONLY time I've been so close to his kind...I'm not that old yet!).

I had to fend off an attack from Evil Bunny, and his nasty, sharp, vicious teeth.

Apparently there was some slight marital discord, which most of us just ignored. That's the way married people are sometimes.



Craig said...

OMG that picture of you and Evil Bunny is amazing!

john said...

Michelle is too cute for words. And tiny! I thought Felice was the size of your hand!

Michelle M. said...

Aw, you and SV are such a cute couple.

That picture of me is scary. I look like my mother (Eeeeeeeeek!)