Monday, August 09, 2010

Behind your back dogs are puppies that grow up...

My mom's brother and his wife left for the beach Friday night. They're returning tomorrow night. In the meantime, mom has a houseguest: their 9 month old Bichon Fris named Bella. And not only does mom have to deal with her, but moreso Angel, who's been a dog alone in the house since 2003. Angel's not a young pup anymore, she's 11, which makes her QUITE a bit older than Bella.

This is Angel, mom, and Bella. And yeah, it DID take a lot to get them all three to look at me at the same time.

Bella pretty much just runs after Angel whereever she goes, whatever she does. The only respite Angel gets is when she jumps up onto a chair in the living room Bella can't get up on. Oh, also, whenever mom leaves, she puts Bella in her cage, but lets Angel out. Bella still chews things up Angel doesn't, so that gives her some relief. Mom has issues because Bella eats a different dog food than Angel and they both tend to eat the other's dog food instead of their own.

At any rate, I attempted to get a video today or Bella following Angel all around. It didn't work out the way I wanted, but I did manage to get two short vids of them. Enjoy the cuteness. Ignore the idiot humans talking.



Tam said...

Awwww. They're cute. I'm sure Angel will be glad when the young one is gone and she gets her peace and quiet back.

john said...

Oh my god I think I died of cute!