Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Because you kiss, you kiss, is on my list....

Due to the imminent release of Dark Knight Rising, I thought before seeing it, I'd present this list:

Polt's Top Ten Best Comic Book Movies

10. Mystery Men (1999)

This one wasn't seen by too many people but its a funny, entertaining little film about hapless super-heroes.  But LOOK at the cast: William Macy, Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofolo, Hank Azaria, Pee Wee Herman, Kel Mitchell (who's hot little ass we get a glimpse of, if I recall) and some guy I never heard of before.  And Geoffrey Rush plays the villain!  All that AND laughs.  What's not to like?

9. Spider-Man 3 (2007)

I thought the first two were overly angst-filled and I didn't terribly enjoy them.  This one, however, kept me riveted the whole time. Not only do we have Spidey, but we've got Venom AND Sandman, Mary Jane AND Gwen Stacy, the regular red and clue costume AND the black one.  And it's got Tobey Maguire doing a pretty decent, rocking dance scene.  Totally enjoyable.

8. Kick Ass (2010)

Another humorous entry here, but I really enjoyed this movie.  Lots of action, great use of music, a purple wig, a hot geek in a tight green costume, and even Nicholas Cage doesn't ruin it.

7.  Batman Returns (1992)

The tagline was: The Bat.  The Cat.  The Penguin.  And really that said it all.  Quirky and dark, but that was Tim Burton.  And this was the last good Batman movie until the the recent relaunch.

6. X2 (2003)

Based on an outstanding graphic novel from the early 80's, the movie was the best one up to that point.  Great heroes, great villains, great plot.  A hunky shirtless Colossus, more prominence for Shawn Ashmore's (not only is he really cute, but incredibly nice, as I met him once on the streets of Toronto) Iceman, and Nightcrawler too!

5. X-Men First Class (2011)

Great way to reboot the franchise after having it TOTALLY ruined and destroyed by the horribly abyssmal X3.  Lots of charaters, but well used, and tons of cute eye candy.   And Kevin Bacon as the villain!  Come on, how do you beat that?

4. Iron Man (2008)

This movie takes a character from selfishness selfcentered-ness to becoming a super-hero and does it in a way that TOTALLY makes sense.  After it was over, I remember thinking, "If it were possible, that's how someone would become a superhero." Very well written, and Robert Downey Jr nails Tony Stark, with just the right amount of humor and arrogance.

3. Batman: The Dark Knight (2005)

This one would be on the list for Heath Ledger's performance if nothing else.  But the rest of the movie rocks as well.  Nearly flawless.  It leaves a LOT for the newest Batman movie to live up to.

2. The Watchman (2009)

I never thought it would happen.  I never thought it COULD happen. The Watchmen series was too...complex, too convoluted, too intense to every be made into a movie and do ANY kind of justice to the original material.  But I was wrong.  While changing the entire ending completely, the movie still stays true to the original series.  At parts, it was like the comic book had come to life on the screen. Truly a monumental undertaking, and one I never thought would be surpassed.  Until....

1. The Avengers (2012)

Best.  Comic-Book.  Movie.  EVAH!

If you any more, just look for my review of the movie here on the Palace.  It is now the standard by which all other comic-book movies will be judged.

So that's my comic-book geek, gay boy take on it.  Anything you disagree with here?




Tam said...

I've only seen #8, 7, 6, 4, 1 and I have a feeling I may be seeing this new Batman thing because someone (who shall remain nameless but posted before me) bought tickets for a midnight showing and now her friends are all out of town. Great.

Tam said...

From Kristen:

Iron Man was boring.

From Tam: (But she doesn't like RDJ, so what the hell does she know)

Michelle M. said...

Kick Ass was pretty good - I really enjoyed it.

I would put the original Superman on my list.

Have you seen Chronicle? It was kind of superheroey. I wouldn't put it on a 10 best list, but it was entertaining.

Hmmm... I WONDER what superhero is missing from this list (through no fault of her own)?