Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Okay, that sucks.  My fridge is busted.  It's still getting power, the light comes on, etc, but it's just not cooling or freezing.  The ice in the freezer melted dropping water all over the the stuff below it.  Luckily, most of it caught in the drawer at the bottom, so that'd be easy to empty.  But a number of my things were thawed, or partially so.  Don't know how long it's been like this.  Took my salvageable frozen stuff up to moms.  Got one of her coolers and a bag of ice and put stuff from the fridge into that.  And called the repair guy, he'll be here Thursday morning sometime.  Figures this would happen the day before a holiday, right?

But I'm trying not to complain too much, after all, I'm sitting here in A/C right now, and I can still get on my computer or watch TV, and I can still microwave something to eat tonight and all.  It's not like I lost power for days like some people have.  But still, it sucks.
I may have mentioned last week while digging up the thistles in the garden, I gave myself a blister on my thumb.  It never hurt terribly much, by last night, the skin had all grown all dead and white, see?

This morning, before showering, I went out and dug up what remained of the thistles.  My flower garden out front is now thistle-free.  But in the process, I pulled most of the dead skin up.  It was only being held on by a small bit.  So i pulled it off.  No problems, no pain.  Glad that's done with.

Oh, and this is how the flower bed looks now:

A number of the first batch, that I didn't think was going to make it (the reds, yellows, oranges, and pinks), are going quite well.  And a number of the second batch (the hardier purple ones) have already died.  Crazy.  But at least, there's no thistles to bother them.  And each week, I'll keep up with removing the incoming thistles.  The flowers should just keep getting better and better.  like last year.
Today, for lunch, mom and I tried out a new place in town: Celebrity Deli. I had the George Clooney with mayo, hold the tomato and a bowl of Antonio Baderas.  Mom had the Tome Hanks.  We both loved it all: the food, the atmosphere, the price, the decor, everything.  See inside below:

The only downsides I can see are, parking is available only on Main Street itself, which can be a chore; they don't have fountain drinks, only bottles (hopefully they'll change that soon); and the bread on my sub was a bit...chewy.  But none of this will keep me away.  I'm looking forward to going back again.

And StratCat, I got a menu for you, I'll give it to you Thursday at work.  But I highly recommend it, if you're in town and looking for a nice little local place to eat.
Since Adam over at Cocky & Rude (and if you're not already reading C&R, you SHOULD be.  Go there and check i tou) likes to post his fortunes, I thought I'd do so as well.

That's why i have a dishwasher.  Although, adding the traditional "...in bed!" to the fortune gives it a whole new dimension, dontcha think?
So I was up at Mom's a few days ago and notice she had a stick of butter sitting out, looking like this:

I asked her why it was like that, thinking maybe the heat melted it, or something.  She started laughing and said she had it setting on the counter and was doing something else on the counter and smooshed her right forearm into it, leaving it like that.  She said she didn't know how to "pump up" a stick of butter, so she's just using it like that.

I swear, some network needs to install cameras all over her house and just record her life.  They'd have a great reality TV show!
in light of the heatwave we've been having, I thought I'd post this pic to help us all.

It's poor Sebastian caught in the very beginnings of a snowstorm.  Now see, I depsite the heat, but at least you don't have to shovel 18 inches of it.  Twice.  In one week.
And now it's time for the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy.



Adam said...

Sorry about the fridge! If my thumb looked like that, I'd get an xacto knife and rip open the blister. Good think the thistle payed for damaging you. The celebrity deli looks like a classy joint. Can I get a serving of James Franco in a private room? Have fun doing dishes in bed! And is your mom one of those people that doesn't refrigerate butter? Eww!

Michelle M. said...

I would totally watch the Mama Polt show. We refrigerate our butter.
Hope the fridge is an easy fix.

The flowers look great.