Thursday, July 05, 2012

Call me in three months time, and I'll be fine (Part 15)...

Thursday Three

Despite the heat (hate it), my fridge not getting cold (hate it more), and the beginnings of the cold I hit less than it was just a few ave now (hate that most of all), let's see what made my week livable.

1. Mini-Vacation.
Sunday and Monday are my regular days off, Wednesday I had off for the holiday.  So by taking 8 hours of vacation, I got 4 days off.  YAY!

2. Low Gas Prices.

Yep, this is what gas prices were around here over the weekend, although just this afternoon, they went back up to $3.19.  But that's still quite a bit less than it was just a few weeks ago.

3. Strawberries.

I LOVE Strawberries.  They are my favorite fruit.  And these were the batch I bought over the week and they were delicious!  I finished them in two days, not because I wanted to, but with the fridge no longer working properly, I didnt want them to go bad, so I ate them all.  Now, just as soon as the fridge is fixed I can go get some more!

So, what made your week this past week?



Mark said...

2.99 for one day, then went back to 3.09.
I LOVE strawberry shortcake, but not the restaurant kind. My Mom would sprinkle sugar over the strawberries that would create a sweet juice that would soak into the cake, YUM! not like the thick crap that just sits on top of the cake.

Michelle M. said...

Mmmm. I love berries!