Sunday, July 01, 2012

O Canada! our home and native land...

So today, July 1st, is apparently Canada Day up in the Great White North.  Silly Canadians, having a holiday so so close to the only really important July holiday, July 4th, Independence Day!  But regardless, I thought I'd do a post in honor of Canada, cause it's actually a pretty damn nifty place.  Let me tell you why.

Alpha Flight.
Canadian superheroes.  Great group.  They're no Justice League, after all, but they're a Marvel creation, so that probably accounts for it.

Canadian healthcare.
Single Payer, that's the way to go.  If only some politicians in the USA weren't so cowardly to stand up for it, or some weren't bought and sold by the healthcare industry and put the best interests of the country above thier own greed, we might have something just as great, where the most important thing is the patients and not the profits.

The Kids In The Hall
Best comedy troupe since Monty Python.  Totally hilarious.

Canadian coins.
The Twoonie and the Loonie.  The two dollar and one dollar coin.  They last forever, unlike American one dollar bills.  And they're fun to say as well.

Canadian bills.
Colored money!  10 dollar bills that are purple!  What's not to love?

Hot sexy citizens.
Shawn Ashmore, wrapped in the flag.  Nice.  (Met him in person on the street in Toronto once, but I digress...)  Found lots of pics of hot Asian, but couldn't guarantee they were Canadian, so I used him instead.  But Canadian men (at least the vast majority of them in Toronto) are freaking hot and sexy.  Kinda like it's a law, you have to be hot to live there.

Nuff said.  For further info, just search the word here at the Palace, and you'll get tons of posts describing Toronto's awesomeness.  Unfortunately, I've never seen the sky purple up there like in the pic, but maybe some day.

And of course everyone FAVORITE Canadian: Tam!
(Runners up included Kristin the Kid, Nathan, and Enrique 
[search his name here too, you'll see who I'm talking about])

So whether you're Canadian, or not, HAPPY CANADA DAY!



stratcat45 said...

Loverboy is my favorite Canadians!

Tam said...

Awww. You're a sweetheart. Ten dollar bills are usually pretty rare in Ontario, but I've gotten more here in BC in 8 hours than I did in the last 6 month at home. It's all fives in Ontario. It is also the 25th annivesary of the loonie this week.