Sunday, July 08, 2012

Does whatever a spider can....

Tonight, I went with A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking to see the new Spider-Man movie.

As incredibly awesome as The Avengers movie was, is just how incredibly awful this movie was.  It was truly bad.  It was dull, boring, lagged at times, it was predictably cliched, the plot was uninspired and the characters uninteresting.  It was so bad that not even Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Denis Leary, C. Thomas Howell and even the very hot guy playing Flash was able to save it.  The lead actor (whose name I never did get) reminds me of Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars movies: cute, a bit geeky, nice to look at, but couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag.  With a map and a sword.

Seriously, avoid this movie like...well, like a spider bite.


PS, here's a pic of the uber-cute Flash Thompson character:

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I saw it this week, and I disagree with you take. This was a much better origin story than Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. They were able to play with the Spider-Man themes and imagery while being willing to do things differently. Instead of having the subplot about his uncle's murderer end with quick horrified revelation that lead him to take on his great responsibility, it lead him down a path of angry vigilantism fueled by his desire for revenge rather than a desire to help those in need, which is a theme present with real world vigilantes but is rarely acknowledged in comic movies. It is only later that he realizes that he should be doing better things than beating thugs for kicks.

I also thought that Andrew Garfield was perfectly adorkable in the movie. I really liked that Gwen Stacy fell for Peter Parker rather than Spider-Man. He was smart with a sense of justice, a bit awkward but not cripplingly so. At the same time, Gwen was also a much more interesting love interest than Mary Jane (who's main features were being pretty and next door).