Thursday, July 19, 2012

If you're on my list, it's just a question of when (Part 2)...

Okay, kids, it's time again for.....


This time, featuring VUBOQ!

I'm Steven, aka VUBOQ.  And this is my blog:  I make pottery.  I complain a lot about my job.  My life's ambition is either to marry rich or win the lottery.  I'm sparkly and fabulous.

I met Polt LIVE and IN PERSON for the first time at DC Capitol Pride a couple of years ago ... or maybe it was at the Puntabulous Pool Party.  I can't remember which one of those life-changing events came first.  I also can't remember when I started reading the Palace.  It must have been a year or two before we met.  Hmmm ... I am becoming old and forgetful.  *sigh*

Pic attached (I am not the cat).

1. Which of the 10 Commandments have you NOT broken?
The one about Cher.  I always remember Cher's birthday and keep it holy!
2. What is your favorite color?
Green.  Orange.
3. What is the design, color and/or look of your welcome mat?
It's brown (like straw or something) with a black rubber border.
4. Which was better: Bewitched or I Dream Of Jeannie?
I Dream of Jeannie.  Duh.
5. Toilet paper: Folded, rolled around your hand or wadded up?
Folded ... into tiny toilet paper cranes.
6. What was the last thing you painted?
Sometimes I paint glaze onto a pot I've made, but I can't remember the
last one that I decorated that way.
7. What is your favorite vegetable?
This is a hard one.  Is chocolate a vegetable?  If not, then I guess
it would be kale.  And squash.  And bok choy.  And hot summer sun
ripened tomatoes.
8. Coffee, tea, or no thank you?
Decaf coffee.  Green tea.  Yes, please!
9. What celebrity do you look like?
I am a dead-ringer for VUBOQ.
10. Which is better, cake or pie?  And what is your favorite kind?
Cake.  Pistachio.

There ya go, now we ALL know VUBOQ a little better. 

And remember, if you haven't sent me an email asking to do this...then what the hell is wrong with you?  I've got a waiting list, but you can still get your name on it!  And the sooner it's on, the sooner you'll get your questions!



Tam said...

I beg to differ on #4. Totally Bewitched. Samantha was smart, Jeannie was kind of an air head.

Chocolate is totally a vegetable. Cocoa BEANS.

vuboq said...

I am so amazing!
(also my photo isn't showing up on my computer)

Mel said...

Silly Tam, cocoa "beans" are actually the seeds of a fruit, therefore chocolate is a fruit. Which is why it's good for dessert. Or breakfast. Or to go with lunch. Or in puddings and ice cream.

Polt said...

Photo should show up now. Totally agree with Tam, Bewitched was so much better. And I think we met first at Gar Pride in June 2010, and then again at the Puntabupoolparty in July 2010....but I could be wrong, I'm old and forgetful too. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for my questions.

BTW, I emailed you the video from NYC LGBT pride, one that should interest you yet I don't see it here or in PoP.

Tam said...

LALALALALALA *fingers in ears* I can't hear you Mel. A bean is a bean. Stop ruining my nutrition pyramid with your silly logic.

Michelle M. said...

Cute answers!
I prefer Bewitched. But I was always disappointed in both Darren and Tony. You have a witch/genie at your disposal and you won't let them do magic? LAME.

john said...

Bewitched, TOTALLY! Sabrina, Endora? What's not to like. Though Barbara Eden was pretty hot and I do like to be called Master....