Saturday, August 10, 2013

A paradise of love and joy, a destination unknown....

My little hometown has done something very unlike itself.  It's created something called Destination Art! Waynesboro.

Basically, they've taken 8 empty downtown store spruced them up and have turned them into mini-art galleries.  They're filled with local artists paintings, photographs, sculptures, pottery, and all other kinds of art.  All of which is for sale!  And they've used like 7 other unused storefronts to just display artwork in the windows.  AND they have live music playing, some in the town square, some along the sidewalks.  They even have chairs set up at those venues for people to sit in.

It's all just such a great idea!  especially from a town that so....insular.  And culturally deficient.

They've been doing it Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays since July and will continue until the end of October.  I haven't yet been down to see it. Until this afternoon.  Michelle came over after I got off work and we went down and strolled the town.  We checked out all the galleries, even checked out the new permanent pottery place, and even contemplated perhaps taking a pottery class at some point.

When we got to center square, there was a team of two brothers playing music, one a bass, the other a ukulele! And there were three rows of chairs set up in front of them...totally empty.  To be fair, the galleries and sidewalks were a bit bare as well when were there.  But we decided to sit down and listen.  And even though it was empty then, they had a case open on the ground with a little sign about donations or whatever, and it was full of bills (Michelle and I each contributed our own to them as well), so I know some people were at least listening throughout the day.

They were two cuties, but in addition, they were good players too.  Interesting music, some jazzy stuff, some of their own composition.  They were very entertaining.  And since we were the only two there (other than the all the traffic driving by behind us) Michelle said it's like it was a personal concert just for us!  Their names was "Unheard Of".  I took a photo, but I found someone had earlier in the day and posted it online so here is that one:

Afterwards, we ate at Waynesburger, because Michelle never had eaten there and she'd heard many people (including me) rave about it.  And she did enjoy it too, naturally.  Everyone who eats there does!

A good time once again had by all.  I dont know if I'll go check out the galleries again, there were several painting and photographs I would have like to own, but they ranged in price from like $100 to over $6,000, and really dont have that kinda of money to throw around (although there was a mug in the pottery place I liked, a little bulgy thing for only $16 bucks that I'm seriously considering going back and getting).   But I definitely plan on going back to listen to the music again.  They have different varieties, so I'll try out different stuff.

I mean, it's free music, in my own hometown, just a five or ten minute walk away.  How could I NOT go back?


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