Thursday, August 08, 2013


I saw today on the internet somewhere (so it MUST be true, cause if it's not true, they can't put it on the Internet...I read that on the Internet) that 50% of French people cannot remember the name of all the people they have had sex with.

And I thought, "Pffft, what's the big deal?  I can't remember the names of all the people I had sex with so far this year.  Hell, I don't even KNOW the names of all the people I had sex with this year."

But then I realized, I'm not typical when it comes to sex stats.  Thanks God.

So, dear readers, I got a question for you.  Can YOU, dear reader, remember the names of all the people you have had sex with?

So as to not appear to be a prude or a slut, answer anonymously, if you wish.  I'm just curious to see how common, or uncommon, this is.




vuboq said...


I do remember the names of all the people I have had sex with this year though.

Anonymous said...

Well for the last 20 years I can remember. Been with the same guy.

But prior to that - didn't really know names if you know what I mean.

Amie said...

Of course I do.

Tam said...


Michelle M. said...
