Sunday, August 04, 2013

Tell me, who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?...

So I couple of hours, BBC is going to announce, on live TV, who the next Doctor will be.  Rumors, predictions and prognostications have been rampant all over the Internet.  Me?  I have no idea who it will be.  I would LOVE it to me Helen Mirren.

I LOVE Helen Mirre, she is such a beautiful, classy dame...I'd watch her in any role.  But I think she'd be great as Doctor Who.  Will it happen?  Nah, not a chance.

FDot tells me the money is on this Peter Capaldi fellow...

 or some young actor named Daniel Rigby.

Hmm, I dont know ANYTHING about Rigby, so I dont really have an opinion on him, other than he's young and cuteish, so that's a good thing.  But Capaldi I am dead set against.  He already WAS a Roman guy from a tenth Doctor's episode, as well as the politician in the abysmally dreadful Torchwood Children Of Earth thing from a few years ago.

He's a fine actor, but really, with ALL the actors out there, can't we find someone to play the Doctor who's not already played another part in the Doctor's universe?

Oh I know, I know, Colin Baker was in the show before becoming the 6th Doctor, and the actress who played Martha Jones was in Cyberman/Torchwood episode the season before she played Martha, I know.  But just because it's been done before doesn't mean it should be done again.

And the worst part is, if it's him, I won't be seeing him as The Doctor, I'll see him as that somewhat creepy Children Of Earth politician PLAYING the Doctor...which won't work for me.  No, not at all.

However, having said all that, I really don't care WHO they get just so long as they get better writers!

I have no problems whatsoever with Matt Smith, nor with his portrayal of The Doctor, he's done a fine job, with what he's been given to do.  but frankly, I dont like the Doctor being played as someone who's...scared, or doesn't know what's going on all the time (even if he's only acting like he doesnt), or doesn't have or devise a solution to whatever the problem is.  I mean, actually having him say, "I am The Doctor, and I am scared."  WTF???  Would Tennant's Doctor ever have said that?  Eccelstons? Hell no!  Could Russell knew how to write The Doctor.  Would Russell EVER have had any of HIS Doctor's sniveling in a doorway, screaming for someone he's never seen or met to open the door so the Dalek's dont get him?  That scene alone diminished the Doctor in my eyes immensely.

So whoever they pick, to me, is secondary to who they have in charge of the whole thing and direction that person decides to take the Doctor in.  But we'll find out the first part in less that three hours now.


1 comment:

FDot said...

Never doubt FDot.