Monday, August 26, 2013

Finished with the old, here comes the new...

So yesterday, I completed it.  I finished the last book I had to read in the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary reissue series.

I had wanted to read them in chronological order, but because of issue with delivery here, I read the 11th Doctor before the 9th and 10th.  But other than that, everything went well.  I started reading the first one June 16th.  I initially didn't want to read them all back to back, because I thought I may get tired and not finished them, so I read another book between 1st and 2nd and two different books between three and four.  But those other books were quite frankly, very short ones each. And even while reading them, I was anxious to get back to the Doctor Who books.  So starting with the 4th one, I just read them one right after the other.

My take on them?  Overall, a very good bunch of books.  My grading of them is as follows:

1st Doctor - B
2nd Doctor - B
3rd Doctor - C
4th Doctor - A
5th Doctor - B
6th Doctor - D
7th Doctor - C
8th Doctor - F
9th Doctor - B
10th Doctor - A
11th Doctor - A

My favorites, in order from most to least:

4th Doctor
11th Doctor
10th Doctor
1st Doctor
2nd Doctor
5th Doctor
9th Doctor
7th Doctor
3rd Doctor
6th Doctor
8th Doctor

The 4th was my favorite due to all the time shifts, how the Doctor and his companions kept going back in time over the span of two days and everyone else was moving forward.  So that people the Doctor had never met, already knew him, but knew him less the more he knew them.  Confusing?  A bit, but fascinating nonetheless.  And humorous too.

Least favorite was the 8th, although the 6th cam very close.  The 8th Doctor's book dealt with companions I had never heard of, and they all kept referencing things that happened in prior books that I had never read.  And the story itself was.....well, stupid.  I can't imagine there wasn't a better, self-contained book other than the one they chose, to use.  And the 6th wasn't much better:  a chunk of the book was taken up by a previous exploit by the 2nd Doctor, and most of the book could actually have been a biography of Winston Churchill.  The 6th Doctor had very little to do with it, I'm afraid.  And certainly almost nothing interesting.

At any rate, I'm glad I read them all, and in less then two months.  And now I can get back to reading other types of books....although I'm still jonesin' for some Doctor Who stuff.  So maybe I'll continue on my quest to read all the books since the reboot.  I only have two more 9th Doctor books to go and then I will have read all of his.


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