Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Just cross me off your list, just one sip...

Well it's that time of year again.

When I get grilled by the ParisPekings so I can get their daughters from school, if needed.

See, the schools need to have a list of people to contact to pick up the ParisPeking girls if there's an emergency and the schools can't reach either of their parents.  So just like last year (which I totally forgot all about until he reminded me of it tonight), I had to give my Driver's License number, work phone number and private four digit code to him to give to the school.

Apparently there are three people they can list, so I'm listed in addition to Mrs. ParisPeking's mother and father.  Just the three of us!  How special do *I* feel?  I mean, even MR. ParisPeking's parents aren't on that list (and the fact they live two states away down the Interstate has NOTHING to do with it).

Hopefully, I'll be the third person on the list, following the parents and the grandparents.  Cause, frankly, I'm not real good in an emergency situation, and having to drive a puking elementary school girl to her house while not puking myself or panicking probably isn't something I'd be good at.

(Which brings up the issue of what to do with them once we GET to their house, cause that then is gonna involve the whole alarm system there, and we all should know just how awesome I am at dealing with that whole she-bang!)

But hey, it IS an honor, really.  And if it gives them some semblance of comfort...well then, I suppose it's a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Polt! I don't know anyone with young kids so it's not an issue.

That being said, I'm the one you want when there's an emergency or something really gross happening. I have a strong stomach.