Sunday, March 22, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 79)...

Chapter 3, Page 21....

Had no real trouble getting up or getting to work.  And work itself was okay, pretty average for a Saturday.  Near the end of the day Derick messaged me and asked me if I wanted to stop by after work.  And of COURSE, I said yes.  So after work I went to his place for a little bit of bedtimesexxyfun.

Following this, feeling famished, I stopped by Taco Bell on the way home and get supper. I came home, ate it here, and then felt bloated.  I had a birthday card to mail, I so decided to just take a walk to the Post Office.  And on my way there, I decided to get a wedding card at CVS too.  So I dropped the one card off, walked to CVS, got the card, and then came home.  I walked 2.5 miles in 43 minutes.  Yeah, I was happy about that.  It was a beautiful, if coolish, day.  Sun was out, a slight breeze.  I needed my sweatshirt for sure, but it was a fun walk.

I then got Netflix Streaming to see what I could find.  And as I'd finished up The In-Betweeners three seasons this week, and as I'd seen they had a movie that came out afterwards, I decided to watch the movie as well.  Seriously, I laughed out loud in several places.  The movie, like the series, is so funny.  And if you've not seen, I heartily suggest you check it out.

My favorite scene in the movie is "The Dance Scene".  You don't need to know anything about the series, or the characters to watch this and laugh out loud yourself.  I think the funniest bit starts about 30 seconds in, but you can watch the whole thing to get the idea of what's going on:

Aw, man, seriously, even watching it again now, I'm laughing.  The poor guys.  The poor girls!

Yeah, good times.  So anyway, after the movie, I was actually feeling tired, so  I went to bed and read.  It was a bit before ten.  I finally turned out the light sometime around 10:30.


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