Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 81)...

Chapter 3, Page 23...

So Monday morning, I got up about 9:30.  I didn't shower all day, cause I really wasn't going to be around other people much.  I did walk over to Rutters for some coffee and breakfast.  Once back here, and done eating, I ended up cleaning a bit in the living room, dining room and kitchen.  The delivery of my new sofa is set for Tuesday morning, and I wanted the house to be a little bit presentable, especially around and under the old sofa.

After getting all that done, I set to work on getting two loads of laundry done.  For lunch I went to KFC.  Otherwise, I spent the morning and early afternoon on the computer a bit, but mostly reading my current book.  

Tuesday, since I'm off work for the sofa delivery, I made arrangements to get the oil changed in my car, and I had to drop the car off Monday night, so it'd be sitting there waiting for the Tuesday morning.  So I drove the car down, taking my earbuds with me.  After dropping off the keys, I plugged everything in and started walking back.  I didn't want to go straight home, cause that's only like 15 minutes or so. So I took a circuitous route, one which led me, by my plan, passed Waynesburger, where I stopped and got some supper, then continued my walk home, where I ate it.

Also, in the afternoon, I did turn on the TV and watch the first two episode's of Stephen King's The Stand.  I intended to watch the last two as well, but frankly, the first two are the ones I enjoy the most: the apocalypse and the immediate aftermath.  Once it gets into all that Good Vs Evil, Boulder Vs Las Vegas....eh, it gets kinda boring to me.

After supper, I read more of the book, I'll probably finish it up on Tuesday (after just starting it Sunday).  Other than that, I just went to bed a bit before 10pm and to sleep soon there after cause I knew I'd have to get up at 8 the next day.

Oh, and here's the walk map:


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