Saturday, May 01, 2010


So my 12 year old cousin Corey apparently has a girlfriend. He announced it on Facebook by saying "I'm so happy I have a girlfriend and I'll luv you 4ever!" Ahhhh, young love.
Have spent the last three Saturday nights with Corey, either laser bowling, watching Kick-Ass or seeing The Phantom Of The Opera. But this Saturday night, nothing planned. But about 7:45 my phone rang and it was Corey. He was calling from Charlestown WV! His girlfriend lives there, and he had gone down to visit her. She wasn't off work yet, so he called me and we talked for about a half hour. Near the end of the conversation, I told him I was glad he called, he said, "Yeah, it's been a whole week since I talked to you." I told him I was going through Corey withdrawl and we laughed. I don't know how much I was kidding though....
Sometimes, I just stand in some room in my house look around and giggle to myself. This is my house...MY house. I own it, its mine. All mine. And then sometimes, I cackle maniacally like a James Bond villain. It's just fun. And to think, one year ago, I hadn't even seriously thought about starting to look into whether I could afford a house or not. And now, I'm sitting in my own home. It's mind boggling, sometimes.
You probably already have read somewhere here that I'm watching Smallville season by season. I'm in the midst of the third season now. I tell you, it's one of the most unrealistic tv series I have ever seen. And that's even bearing into account the lead is supposed ot be an alien who can outrun bullets and shots heat from his eyes. I'm constantly shaking my head at things that go on.

I mean, there must not be any HIPA laws on the books, cause Doctors are always telling near strangers how patients are doing. And Chloe can get someone's medical files as easily as she can get someone's address from the Internet. And the police, not only in Smallville, but Metropolis, are clearly the most inept bunch of characters since the Keystone Cops. And how is it that no one, either law enforcement or journalist, is investigating the RASH of deaths of young people in Smallville?

But whatever. In addition, I'm re-addicted to peanuts now. Back in 2008, I watched all seven seasons of the West Wing over the span of two months. ANd while I did so I constantly shelled and ate salted roasted peanuts. And now, I've gotten back into the peanut eating. They're just delicious. And I love licking the salt off my fingers when I'm done. However, the pad of my left thumb has developed a callus cause it's the one I use to crack the shells open. Also, I managed to cut my thumb at least once, and now that kinda sucks getting the salt there. But what can I do? As I said, I'm addicted.
And naturally, we have to end this with some eye candy. These guys aren't half naked, in fact, they're kinda overdressed in tuxs and all. But I just think they're both SO adorable, I had to post it.

Now, if someonewould happen to have a photo of these guys half naked, please send it to me. I'd have no issue posting that one as well!



Tam said...

Well, I have plenty of pics of two half-nekkid guys, but I don't think those two in particular.

Too funny about your cousin. I'll love you forever, or until Wednesday, which ever comes first. LOL

Michelle M. said...

Mmm... peanuts! The only good thing about going to a baseball game.