Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Make me happy and Gleeful...

I think a little bit of the magic is back. This episode was much better than the earlier ones since the series return. The songs were much better integrated into the storyline. There was humor (Brittany's comments), sadness (the poor paralyzed kid), poignantcy (Kurt and his dad's interactions) , and more focus on Puck and Kurt. Still no Puck shirtless, but I'm okay with that this episode. And Kurt finally gets to kiss someone...even if it IS Brittany. Plus, we finally find out where Quinn is living.

I'm glad to see Glee's come back to what I remember it being before.

And this week's quotes:

There are SO many lyrics. - Brittany
Because there is never and excuse for stirrup pants! - Kurt
He's an idiot and his mother won't let me eat bacon. - Quinn
"Use protection." "Does he mean like a burglar alarm? - Brittany
Nobody quits the Cheerios, you either die or I kick you off. - Sue


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