Sunday, May 23, 2010

When you make your knees touch your elbows...

Today I took a walk. Between wasting time online, reading a book and watching TV, I found time to walk. It was only about a half hour, and it was only around town and by mom's to let Angel out (mom was away for the day) but still, it was a walk.

The day was overcast, and it had rained earlier and was humid most of the day. But when I went, the temp dropped and the breeze picked up and it was a wonderful time to walk. I should have walked further, but since for the last few months, I've had the activity level of an arthritic sluggish sloth, what I walked was about what I could handle.

AND, on top of it, my right knee ached a bit. Just stepping up onto curbs sent a bit of pain tweaking through my knee. Not debilitating, not something that really hurt, but something that I've noticed for the first time. Just what I knees to go. Especially during the same week that I discovered I needed bifocals.

Since things come in threes, I wonder what the last thing will be to remind me of my age. *SIGH*...



Michelle M. said...

Probably Enrico or Josh.

chelliewhik said...

Hmmmm time to see a chiropractor mayhaps??? Hmmm I can reccommend a good one ;-)