Monday, May 17, 2010

I kept voting not for the iron fist but for the helping hand...

If there's any Pennsylvania Democrats who read the Palace (other than me), I urge you to vote in tomorrow's primary. And further, I urge to vote for Joe Sestak for US Senate and Joe Hoeffel for Governor.

Joe Sestak has been a Democrat all his life. He didn't become a Democrat just to he could get reelected. He was, I believe and admiral in the military, and is currently a member of the US House Of Representatives. I'm honestly not sure of his stance on some issues, I don't believe he's as liberal as I'd like him to be. But what I DO know is that he's a lifelong Democrat and he's not going to change his party affliation for politcal purposes.

I honestly don't know much about any of the four candidates running for governor. I checked out their websites last week. Prominently displayed on the first page of Joe Hoeffel's is his support for gays and lesbians having the right marry. There wasn't, on any of the other three websites, even a mentioned of gay/lesbian rights that I could find. All four have similar views on the other issues, but Hoeffel's the only one to promote gay rights.

For the reasons I listed above, I'm voting for Joe Sestak for US Senate and Joe Hoeffell for PA Governor. And I strongly urge all Pennsylvania Democrats to do the same!


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