Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One time, when I was twelve, in summer camp (Part 29)...

12 for the 12th
May 2010 edition

This is all the brainchild of CHAD. Stop by and check out what other people posted.

Yes, that IS what time it was. Sleep was not my friend last night. Right after talking this photo, I called into work and took the day off, cause I knew, since I wasn't asleep yet, there was no way I was gonna be able to get to work. And in fact, I didn't get to sleep until sometime after 4:00.

After finally getting to sleep, somehow, I woke up around 10:00, still tired, and irritable. But not being able to get back to sleep, i got up and showered. And this somewhat cyclopian-esque photo is the result of the fogged upo mirror.

Today was when my weekly fix of comic books come in. So I drove to get them. And who should be there but COREY! So we talked there for a bit, when and got lunch, and took it back to his house to eat.

This was lunch. I had the pepperoni. Corey had as a topping...broccoli. Yeah, I know, that IS kinda scareligious, but whatever. We ate it ate Corey's cause he and his dad just recently moved into a new house, and he wanted to show it to me. It's a pretty cool looking place with a 'Florida Room' (that I've always called a Sunroom) a deck, new flooring, and even a bathroom right out of 1972. Those of you alive then will know what I'm talking about.

Corey had some kinda of controller that had oldtime video games on it. So we plugged it into the large flatscreen TV and played Galaga! Man, I played the HELL out of the local Galage video machine...back when I was like 1982 or whatever. I suck at it now. Hand-eye coordination just is NOT what it used to be.

Today was a monthly cut-n-color. So now I've got less hair, and it's more reddish and less grayish. But I do have to suffer through wearing this cap thingee under a hair dryer. Oh, the perils we endure to look beautiful.

Tonight was also a high school band concert conducted by A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking. And I was invited along. So, freshly cut and colored, I made my way to their house. When the wife and girls were enjoying supper. I wasn't hungry, but I did partake in the chocolate cake the missus had just made. And as you can see, the littlest ParisPeking enjoyed it as well. I mean the bits she didn't get on her sweater, or face or hands.

This is lovely Mrs. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking driving us to the concert in the MommyVan. And despite a GPS, she still got us lost. After a call to the hubby, we realized we were on the right road, just going the wrong direction. And we made it there in time...despite her lack of direction skills. To be fair, he's not much better. I don't think either of them could find their way out of their driveway without a GPS, map, AND two shirpas.

In his mad rush to leave the house in the morning, ALCMDPP grabbed his two black shoes to wear with his suit while conducting. His two RIGHT shoes. He left both left shoes at home. So we came to his rescue and brought one along with us, despite the fact seeing his conduct in two right shoes was immensely amusing to both of us.

Here is the ParisPeking family, sans the mister, entering the school building. It could be Susan's sunglasses and look on her face that makes me feel like a paparazzi snapping photos of some celebrity and her three kids rushing through an airport or what have you.

A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking himself. In his conducting suit. And even though you can't see it, stocking feet as he's not put either shoe on yet.

And this would be the high school band (in dresses and tuxes and bow ties!) with ALCMDPP in front of them conducting his little heart out. I thought the execution of the music was flawless, I was impressed. the music itself left me a bit cold, cause I didn't know ANY of it. And it wasn't really my cup of tea. But then what do I know about music and conducting or playing it. I was just honored to be the invited guest of the conductor and have special exclusive seating in the balcony with just his family. We had it all to ourselves so the girls (ages 5, 3, 2) wouldn't disrupt anyone else watching it (even though the little one was intent on saying throughout "Daddy's show! Daddy's show!" And saying it loudly.), but I still choose to think we were there cause we were special.

What with the lack of sleep and the constant on-the-go-ness, I am quite eshausted and will now head to bed and hopefully, to sleep.



Tam said...

Hope you got some sleep last night. When we went out last week my kidlet ordered the chorizo and broccoli pizza. Kids these days. *shakes head*

Sunny Archibald said...

Not sleeping well is the pits. Sorry it happened to you. You're a very brave soul to post a picture of yourself in a shower cap! I needed a chuckle this afternoon. :-)

tornwordo said...

I was the KING of Galaga. I worked at a video game slash ice cream shop and could play free. Now I totally SUCK.

JCB said...

I thought the "cyclops esque" picture was pretty cool!

Martini Dan said...

Great photos as usual. Sorry you could not sleep that night. I hate it when that happens.