Monday, May 10, 2010

Thinking about music and politics i would tell you...

Three short political comments:

I'm quite pleased with Obama's selection of Kagan as the next nominee for the Supeme Court. What I've read on her I like. And since 7 Republicans voted to confirm her to Solicitor General so it would be difficult for them to vote against her now. Although it would make them look hypocritical, but Republican Senators don't apparently worry about hypocracy much anymore.

And the most recent poll I've seen shows Joe Sestak is leading Arlen Spector for Pennsylvania Sentae 46-41. Thank God! I definitely want him to win. I want a REAL true Democrat representing me, not someone who became a Democrat only because he didn't think he could win as a Republican. Sestak is my guy for Senator!

And Republican Senator Bennett of Utah was kicked out by his party in a primary fight over the weekend. In actuality, it was the Tea Party part of the Republican party that kicked him out in favor of a wingnut candidate. And they did it because Bennett DARED to cross party lines to work with Democrats to get things done. One more, it proves that the Tea Partiers aren't about doing what's right from America, they're all about getting their own way. Like petulent toddlers throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way. And I, for one, applaud them and encourage them to continue to do so, all over the country. In Utah, it really won't make much of a differenc, cause a Democrat has about as much chance of getting elected to the Senate from there as does a gay, Muslim Communist. But in other parts of the country, the Tea Partiers can put up far right candidates that have no chance of getting elected, like in the NY-23rd Congressional election earlier this year. Are you listening Florida?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't noticed whether or not Republicans have been praising the Bennett loss (out of the loop lately) but I can only imagine they'd be aware enough to know that electing far right candidates is not going to help them at all. I have to think that event caused some internal hand-wringing?