Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Make me happy and gleeful...

Tonight's Glee episode ROCKED!

It was head and shoulders above the other three shown so far. The songs segued nicely into the show, none seemed forced. The songs, cheesy 80's/90's stuff, were actually well done. There were lots of laughs. Brittany continues to be my favorite character just for the lines she says. There was FINALLY another Puck in a wifebeater shot. And a guest appearance by Olivia Newton John, who's looking pretty damn good for someone who had #1 hits 30 years ago.

And the Physical video....oh. My. GOD! It was like soft core gay porn. So naturally I loved it! I've tried, without success, to find it online. Maybe it's just too soon, but I'm seriously hoping they post it on Youtube or SOMEWHERE. I need to watch it again. :)

Oh sure, there was over-the-top melodrama, but c'mon, it's GLEE! Other than singing songs, what is it about but over-the-top melodrama? And slow motion laughing...(bwahahaha)...

Next week's episode looks pretty good too. I hope they got over the early slump and are cruising to a bunch of outstanding episodes up to the season finale!

Favorite likes:

Will, I'm going to buy a diaper for your chin because it looks like a baby's ass. -Sue
I'm here because...(something about a cold and antiboitics and whatever)...and I can't remember how to leave. - Brittany
Castle, I will kick you sqaure in the taco! - Sue
"I'm kinda geting cold feet here." "Can you even feel your feet?' - Brittany
I don't how to turn on a computer. - Brittany



that's J-O-S-H said...

I like "Glee" and all...the melodrama really irks me. WHY THE HELL DO THE THREE GUYS FREAK OUT OVER THE VIDEO?! SERIOUSLY?! IT WAS JUST A MUSIC VIDEO!

I did like the "I don't know how to turn on a computer" line. DUMB [aka FUNNY]!

Anonymous said...


I'm only a few minutes in and I'm hollering like crazy. Sue is insane!

Tam said...

I think you just want a pair of Hammer pants Polt. :-)

It was a fun episode. Brittany is getting some good lines. And Josh, don't you remember being in high school? It's all about the melodrama, love triangles and who likes who. Ahhh. Those were the days. NOT.

Michelle M. said...

The cast was on Oprah last week. They sang "Somebody to Love" and KILLED it.

I loved this episode because OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN!!!! (I love her) was in it. I was surprised they didn't have her rollerskating in the roller arena they practice in now.

Love Sue.