Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hardly a sound was left from the birthday party...

Last night after work, I attended a birthday party. A coworker was throwing it for her girlfriend. I knew there was going to be a lot of lesbians there, but I figured, it's a birthday party. There'll be cake, there'll be beer, there'll be music, AND she was having one of those big, inflatable bouncey things that people can get inside of and...well, bouncse. I mean, how could I NOT go?

I was in fact the only one from work that she invited. (Well, that's not true, she actually invited two other people, but they couldn't make it) So, that was quite an honor. And yeah, there WERE a horde of lesbians. There were three straight couples, one straight girl (my coworker's sister-in-law. her brother wouldnt be there until later), one straight guy friend of theirs, and a cute straight DJ. I was the only gay guy. Which isn't all that unusual, I'm kinda used to being the only gay guy at birthday parties. And there were perhaps 15-20 lesbians roaming around. And that was it.

I spent some time ogling the cute straight DJ. I spent a lot of time talking to the sister-in-law, who was from Tennessee and had a thick accent that made me giggle inside. I watched the straight guys throw horse shoes. And I tried to interact with the lesbians, really I did. but they all knew each other and sat in little cliches and told stories about people I didn't know and laugh at inside jokes that I didn't get.

They weren't rude, it's just, I had nothing to contribute. I texted FDot and Corey and told them I was at a party full of lesbians FDot texted back that I should talk about Rachel Maddow and power tools and everything would be fine. I had to laugh at that. Mainly cause my coworker gave me a tour of the house and showed me all the improvements they had done, including gutting and totally redoing a bathroom. Power tools woulda been an appropriate topic then.

I helped set up the tables for the food, I helped carry the food out. Anything to keep busy so I didn't realize just exactly how much estrogen i was drowning in. And the food was pretty good. When eating I sat at a table with a lesbian telling one of the straight couples all about her trip recently to San Antonio. I happened to be wearing shirt my mom got me when she was IN San Antonio once that had San Antonio on the front and back. And the girl telling the story looked directly at it. Did she once ask me if I had ever been to San Antonio? Nope. But then maybe since I was feeling a bit out of place, I wasn't in the most approachable mood for someone to talk to me.

Anyways, after spending almost two hours there, and eating some of the food (burgers grilled by the birthday girl herself) I decided it was time to leave. Yes, I left before it got dark. Yes I left before I got drunk. Yes, I left before I had cake. But I just wasn't feeling the party. Plus, the one beer i had mixed with the rather strong onion on the burger all on top of the crappy greasy lunch I had had was kinda upsetting my stomach a bit. And the music was really loud. And all that together made it clear to me it was indeed time to go.

I said my goodbyes and came home. I did have a fun time, and enjoyed myself. And must thank my co-worker again for the invite when I next see her at work. But I'm not sure if I'm going to want to go to a predominantly lesbian party again anytime in the future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean in this post.

Myself, I tend to stick out anyhow because I'm an I.T. pro. It colors everything in my being. So I don't have a hell of a lot in common with a large swath of people and in particular most lesbians.