Thursday, May 06, 2010

We'll make great pets, we will make great pets...

After the recent posts about dogs and cats, I got to thinking about my pets. And I thought I might as well post about them. (I sincerely hope I haven't done this before. But if I have, it's been a long time ago, so I'm sure none of my current readers have read it)

So, first of all I had a bunny. I named him Hoppy. Hey, I was like 5, what did I know about naming pets. At any rate, I don't remember how long I had him, or what happened to him. I don't even really remember having him, except mom tells me I did.

When I was like 7, we got a dog. She was a miniature collie mix that I named Muffin. I named her that because there was a dog on a Saturday Morning Cartoon named Muffin. Yeah, my pet naming skills hadn't improved. We had Muffin for about 15 years before we had to put her down.

I had a parakeet I named Blueboy. Surprisingly, he was not named after the men's porn magazine, as I got him when I was only about 10 and had not yet heard of it. But unsurprisingly he was blue, a light pastel blue AND he was a boy. Mad pet naming skills in effect, yo! I had him until 1984. When I was in Europe, he died. Mom and dad didn't want to tell me, so they just went out and got another blue bird, hoping I wouldn't notice or be too upset. I did notice almost right away, because the new bird didn't say any of the things Blueboy said. We decided to name the new one Joe. This one, is NOT my fault. My mother wanted the bird to say "Hello Joe!" because it rhymed. So she named him. but the damn bird never learned to say anything.

In 1987, when I was in college and Muffin was still alive, we got the black cockapoo named Kookee (pronounced Cookie). She was an inhouse dog. We only ever took her out for walks and to use the bathroom and such. She was like a member of the family. She slept with us in bed. She'd cuddle with us on the couch. She was the epitome of a lap dog. And a damn good dog too. We had her about 15 years also before we had to put her down too. That one was really rough.

And then, in 1999, we got Angel, the current dog my mom has. She's a brown poodle, as sweet dog, although not a lap dog, and not as smart as Kookee. But we love her nonetheless.

In addition to the dogs, I had a hamster I called Fluffy. The name skills might have improved, but they're definately gayer. Not sure how long I had him, but he was a tough little thing. He survived rolling down the stairs in his little plastic ball and damn near getting sucked up the vacuum cleaner. Eventually, though, he too died.

I had numerous goldfish that I won at the town carnvial. They all lasted about a week, most dying off before the carnival even left town. I did get one from a pet store, though, I named him...yep, Goldy. I was probably only ten at that time too, so the pet naming skills hadn't matured yet. I'm not sure how long Goldy lasted, but I know I didn't get another fish after him.

And that friends, is the list of pets that I've had over the years. What kinda pets have you had?



Tam said...

Well, I grew up on a farm so we always had tons of dogs and cats. Some house cats, some just barn cats. I remember Lassie (kind of a small black and white long haired dog), Rex (Collie), Peggy (blue healer and my Grandpa's last dog). there was a chihuahua too who had been abused before my grandparents go him. That was after I left. It would pull the growling baring teeth thing but then would climb under the covers with you and snuggle right up. You'd move over and he'd snuggle closer and so on until you were practically off the endge of the bed with the dog pressed up against you.

Our cats always seemed to have names like Orangey, Brownie and Blackie. Gee, guess what color they were. LOL I do remember Squeak, she would hardly meow, just make a squeaking sound.

There was also a blue budgie named Sam. My parents had a budgie named Fred, who started laying eggs. Ooops. Frederika was born.

After I was with my ex we had a cat named Shadow. When I got this job and had to move we didn't know if we'd be living somewhere that we could even have pets so she stayed with my parents and only died a year or so ago.

Then after we moved back to Canada, we got our cats Max and Vaness and later our rabbit Cocodot, aka Bun. We've also have a couple of Beta Fish. Most have lived about a year at least.

That's it. Sometimes I wish I didn't have pets because when we go on vacation it's a pain in the ass and I'm not sure what we'll do when I have to go abroad again. Guess we'll figure it out.

Michelle M. said...

I had a white rat named Templeton. My brother had a spotted rat named Apaloosa. Apaloosa died from suffocating in a Pop Tart box (my brother put him in there and then forgot about him). My mother had quite the surprise when she went to make us breakfast one morning. She never bought Pop Tarts again after that.

I've had three blue parakeets all named Budgie. Budgie the First was the greatest and the others never measured up.

I had a dog named Charlie. We got him from the pound. My mom gave him away after she found out he had worms. Then we had a puppy named Jingles. She gave her away when the puppy barked too much. Why aren't I in therapy again?

I also had a hamster (not as cute as Richard Parker, of course)and goldfish. Now I have a husband.