Monday, May 24, 2010

What a day, what a day in the life...

What a busy day I've had!

I got up at 8:00, which is very early for me on a day I don't have to go to work. I showered, dressed and went to mom's. She made me breakfast and I read the morning paper.

Then, I drove us to the Post Office so I could mail a package and some letters. We then went to get my new glasses, the *SIGH* bifocals. Below is a 'before' and 'after' photo with each pair of glasses.

Not much of a difference from the outside. But looking through them, well, now, some 9 hours later, my eyes are sore. Not hurting really, just sore. I having a slight problem getting used to the bifocals, but I can read easier with them. I just have to get used to doing it that way.

After this, we went to the Credit Union where I deposited a whole mess of coins I had and wrapped. And then I went to a card store to buy the cards I'll need for June's birthdays and anniversaries (can you believe it's almost June already????).

Then we went to a local notary. My grandmother has some money in bonds and whatever that's been unclaimed. I'm her last remaining heir so I'm eligible to get it, but I needed the papers notarized.

I dropped mom off and then came home. I read some, fooled around online and masturbated. Then I drove to Michelle's house. We did some shopping for some things I need for next year's Puntabulous calendar photoshoot. And we ate at Cafe Del Sol having a delicious lunch. I dropped her off, came back home, read some more and fell alseep for about an hour and a half nap.

I woke up, made supper, fooled around online again and, well, here I am.

I did more today before noon than I probably will the rest of the week. Who knew you could get so much crap done in the morning?



that's J-O-S-H said...

"I read some, fooled around online and masturbated."

Um. WHAT? Was this before or after your pie ice cream?

Michelle M. said...

You look very distinguished in your bifocals. And ack! Puntabulous calendar. I better start eating celery and apples.

Polt said...

Josherz: it was before the ice cream, thanks for askin. :)


tornwordo said...

I love it when you drop the M bomb, lol.

Polt said...

"M" word, Torn? Mail? Mess? Money? MOM??? :)
