Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm young and healthy so let's be bold...

Quick health update:

I may have mentioned, back in February, that about a fourth of one of my teeth broke off while i was eating fish at Long John Silver's (not that I'm blaming the fish OR the restaurant). No pain, thankfully, just a weird cavernous feeling in my tooth. Then, in March, sometime, the filing in the tooth fell out. Again, no pain and a bigger hole. Then, this past Saturday, I was eating peanuts and heard a crack. I stopped eating the peanuts and nothing else happened. Then Sunday, eating haddock (fish again!) that mom had made, another full quarter of the same tooth just came loose and I had to pull it out. Once more NO PAIN! But now I've got half a tooth in the clear back on the top right side of my mouth!

I was waiting to change my dentists when our insurance changes July 1st. I had thought we had to wait until then to change providers. Come to find out yesterday, that as long as the providers are within the network, I can got to anyone I want! *SIGH* I waited to change, and I didn't have to wait. Story of my life.

ALSO, I went to the eye doctor yesterday for my yearly exam. My eyes are healthy (no sign of gloucoma, always a concern with my diabetes) and my distance vision is unchanged, new pair of glasses will be...bifocals! *GROAN*

Old age, you are truly upon.

In better news, yesterday was also the meeting dealing with the changes in our insurance. And even though everything is changing, I'm still only gonna be paying about $27 every two weeks, $55 a month for the insurance. Excellent dental and vision. $20 copay for doctor's visit. Most of my scripts cost nothing, one is $60 for a three month supply. So it's all good in the end I guess.


1 comment:

Tam said...

Huh. My insurance isn't that good. Our province instituted a user fee for the health care system since it was so underfunded based on salary. I pay $70/month (poor people pay nothing) and my prescriptions are only covered to 80%. Dental and vision are pretty good. No copays for Dr. visits though. I can show up every day for 3 weeks and it costs nothing.

Prescriptions, dental and vision are through my work, that's not something every Canadian has.