Thursday, March 05, 2015

Television light, shining through a hundred bedroom windows....

So I just today finished watching Ken Burn's Baseball, and it was amazing.

And this is said by a guy who's hated baseball all his life.  Do I like baseball now?  No.  But I might hate it a bit less.  And I think I'm kinda interested in going to a game this year.  Maybe.  I went to an Orioles game with my parents on a bus trip when I was a kid, under ten.  And that's, I think, been my last time to a ball park.  I may want to go to see a game as an adult, just so I can say I did.  And I'm sure I'll be bored out of my skull, and that'll cure me of my new-found....less hatred of it.

Also, this year, I watched all four seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise.  And I gotta tell ya, it wasn't anywhere NEAR as bad as I remember it being.  Well, if one ignores the second season, which truly was horrid.  But the third and especially the fourth, weren't too bad, all in all.  Even though some individual episodes sucked really badly.

The worst part of the entire series?  The damn stupid song at the beginning.  It's also kinda criminal how underutilized Anthony Montgomery was as Ensign Travis Mayweather.  I think it may have been because Montgomery simply wasn't a very good actor....he was kinda...wooden in most of his scenes.  And it appeared, once they realized that, they kinda shoved him to edges of the show.

Which honestly, woulda been fine with me, if they had used him properly over on the edges of the show.  ya know, as eye candy. I mean, this is really ALL we got of him:

And that's criminal.  Cause he looks SO good without a shirt and in those tight bright blue boxer briefs the guy wore.  Oh SURE, we get to see T'Pol fairly popping out of her suit every show and see Archer's hairy chest every third episode in 'decontamination' having gel slathered on him.  But we only get Travis once?  Criminal.

I mean, LOOK at him in some other stuff he did:

I mean, hell, he even looks real good in a wife beater!

And that was way back then, more than ten years ago.  Man looks good even today still:

And lest we forget...that SMILE!

They did, though, actually make good use of that smile on the show:

But it was still a shame they didn't use him more.  Still there were a few other enjoyable things about the show..


but all in all, I think Star Trek: Enterprise can be summed up in two words:

Wasted Potential.


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