Thursday, March 05, 2015

Hey kids, Uncle Polt here.  There's more new posts below this one, if you've already read this, just scroll down to them.

I re-read the email Blogger send me about their new asinine policy changes.  I don't think they're going to 'delete' questionable blogs, like possibly the Palace.  What they'd do, if they find a questionable one, is make it private, accessible to the blog's owner (moi) and anyone he gives the right to to view it.

SO, I think what needs to happen is, if you want to make sure you can see the Palace after Blogger implements their new asshat policy, I'll need from you the email address you use to log into Blogger.  Ya know, that one you use to write to your own Blogger blog, or the one your use to leave a comment on the Palace.

And for those two or three of you regular anonymous visitors (and you KNOW who you are), you should create a profile or something in Blogger itself.  It's pretty simple to do, and all you need is an email address (that you'll give to me) and a password (that you won't).

I believe everyone who regularly reads the Palace is my friend on Facebook.  So you guys can just message me there with your email address.  And that'll make sure I have it and it stays private.  

And make sure do all this before March 23rd, cause that's when the new idiotic policy takes affect.


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