Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Sunday, after the laser bowling, my right forearm was SO sore. I couldn't find a ball to fit my fingers (please everyone, resist the temptation to comment on this) and instead of resting the ball at the base of my fingers, I had to continually hold it by the tops of my fingers. Which means that my arm got sore. As did my right thigh. How out of shape am i that I get sore muscles form 2.5 hours of bowling? And then, Monday, with the yardwork, it hurt even more last night. Even after I took Advil.

Don't get old. It sucks.
I got through seven episodes of Smallville yesterday, and part of the way through an eighth. I do like the show, but I don't like parts of it. Like how people just walk into the homes of other people unannounced. How people go to places to see people, talk for three minutes and then leave. I mean in that case, why not call? And how Clark is supposed to be this big nerd when instead he's like an underwear model. Tom Welling is extremely nice to look at, and would look very good in a clingy Superman outfit, but I think someone more akin to Arnie from Glee would make a much better young Clark Kent.

But whatever. Like I know anything about Hollywood and making tv shows.
It's cold again. Last week, it was in the 90's, now it's back to highs in the 40's. Which is good, cause it's only April and those are what the temps are supposed to be. But it just throws me off when it gets too hot or too cold prematurely. But I'll stop complaining, cause these temps are great temps.
I don't have to worry about the choice between out-of-town overnight with Corey and the premiere of the new Dr. Who. Corey told me he had the date wrong and the overnight trip to Baltimore is the 24th. Which means I'll be able to watch the premiere episode this Saturday without a hitch. Course, now I'm conflicted about what I'm gonna do for the SECOND episode.
Tonight, Glee returns! YAY! The Lovely StratCat45 and I shall be watching it together here at my house, after a meal at the Waynesburger. And while we watch it, we'll be snacking on popcorn and wine! Tres Chic!

Also, I've been listening to the Glee soundtracks, and I gotta say, when Rachel sings "Don't Rain On My Parade" I get goosebumps just like I did when I first heard it! She had got QUITE the set of lungs on her, eh?

Can't wait for the show to restart! New Glee and New Dr. Who all in the same week! I think my geek-excitement level has gone off the charts.
Sunday, I got some t-shirts. One is red, with the Flash symbol; one is green with the Green Lantern symbol; and the last one is of the X-Men heads that Dave Cockrum drew for the cover when he was on the title (which I couldn't find a photo for, but if you've read his comics, you'll know what I mean). I think I could now possibly be THE biggest comic book geek I know.
And of course, we must have gratutitious eye candy:



Mark said...

So many temptations in one post. Do I have to resist them all?
And while I'm thinking of it, I Love your tag "Hugs" so much. It fits you, when I think of hugs I think of Polt. So I've come up with my own that I will be using with all future comments. I hope you like it.


Polt said...

BWahahaha...Mark, that's hilarious. And yet, even though you've never used it before now, somehow, whenever I thought of Free BJ's, I always thought of you. :)


john said...

BWAAA! Mark, that made me spit take!

Glee and Doctor Who in one week and I think Mad Men is due back soon too! I'm so happy.

Polt, while I don't always share your taste in eye candy, I have to say, today's is pretty amazing. A haircut might be in order, but otherwise, I see nothing wrong.

Polt said...

john, wha-wha-WHA???? A hairCUT??? That dudes got quite the hairTHING going there, and he's working it. Be a shame to hack any of it off!