Sunday, April 04, 2010

For the money, am i your easter bunny?...

Happy Easter, to those who celebrate it.

I found this online somewhere, and immediately thought of Puntabulous!

Anyway, my Easter consisted of sleeping in until 10:30. I then met up with Mama Polt and Grandmama Polt to go for Easter lunch with some of the family. We always used to do this at my grandparent's house. There would be two grandparents, their four kids and spouses and seven grandkids. We'd eat and then have an Easter egg hunt. And I had to do this well into my 20s, which was okay with me, cause it was fun.

Today, though, it was just grandma, mom, me, an aunt, an uncle, his wife, his daughter, he husband and their three kids. That was it. And we went out to a restaurant to eat, which I don't really like either. But what am I gonna do? It's not like I can host a cookout or anything at my place.

Even so, the meal was good, and the times were fun. My cousins are 3, 6, and 15, all boys. I had fun picking on the two youngest at the meal. Afterwards, we went to my uncle's house for an Easter Egg Hunt. The oldest boy didn't want to participate. But as I walked into the house, he jumped out and scared me a little, and he laughed histerically about it. I told him paybacks are hell. And I decided *I* was gonna hide one egg for him. Which I did.

It was in a seperate section of the yard than where the two youngest were looking for theirs. I gave him the boundries and he reluctantly started looking: under bushes, under piles of pebbles, in tree branches, in disturbed grass. I kept telling him, "All you have to do is say my egg hiding skills are better than your egg hunting skills, and I'll start giving you hints." He'd have nothing of it. he was determined to find it on his own.

In the meantime, the other two boys had each found 12 eggs hidden for them. They came over to help. I kept harrassing him about giving up, he wouldn't, saying he would find the egg without my help. Finally, after much time, I started giving him "hot" and "cold" clues. And then he realized where it was: In my pocket.

Oh how we laughed when I gave it to him! But I hadn't lied, I had never strayed outside the boundries I gave him, and it was hidden. And I made he understood that payback were indeed hell and to beware my retribution. He laughed. And when they left, I got a handshake and hug from him, just as I got hugs from the younger boys.

After this, I hung out at mom's for a bit, then came home. Did some laundry, watched more of
Ken Burn's Civil War and typed this up. It's been warm outside. And inside my house, it's 71 degrees. That's kinda warm. But then I don't have any windows up nor do I have any fans going. Might have to change that tonight.

At any rate, I trust everyone had a pleasant Easter, if you celebrate it. And if not, I hope you had a good Sunday.


1 comment:

Tam said...

We don't "celebrate" not believing an all. I did buy us each a small Lindt bunny. We slept in and hung out in our pjs most of the day and I made a nice dinner but that was the extent of our celebrating. We went to Clash of the Titans tonight as well.

Glad you had a nice time with your family.