Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Make me happy and gleeful...

Okay, the Madonna episode of "Glee"? Better than last week's for sure. But still, some of it was forced. The "Like A Virgin" part was outstanding, that's exactly what I expect from Glee. And even "4 Minutes" was well done.

But I hate the "hey here's a topic, now let's sing about it" shtick. Like saying "Find a Hello song" or "Find a Madonna song" and let's sing about it. Please. Make the songs fit the situations, don't decide on a song and then make a situation to fit around it. Still, not as good as the first 13 episodes, but better than last week. And that's good.

And may I say that when they show Puckzilla, he should only be shirtless or in a wifebeater. And who's freakin' idea was it to put Savannah in a wifebeater and not Puck for the final number? Somebody needs to ask Curt, or me, costume advice for the show. Seriously.

Favorite lines:
Would you please stop talking, you're grossing out my baby. - Quinn
When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist. - Brittany
Mr. Shoe, is he your son? - Brittany

And it's now official, Brittany and her outrageous non-sequitors, is my favorite character on the show.



john said...

Brittnay kills me. "I forgot my middle name once."

I agree, the last two have been a little forced and seem to be missing some of what attracted me to the series in the first place.

that's J-O-S-H said...

I wish they had sung "You Must Love Me" from Evita [feat. definite copyright issues]!

Craig said...

Everything that comes out of Brittany's voice is pure genius. I also liked "I thought I sensed the smell of the freshly baked cookies made by the elves that live in your hair."