Monday, April 26, 2010

Those belvedere weekends, were just the beginning...

I spent Saturday night in Baltimore with Corey. And his mom and stepdad. We went to the Hippodrome to see "Phantom Of The Opera". I've never been a fan of Phantom, and I'm still not. This one was MUCH better than any of the others I've seen. The set were elaborate, the costumes outstanding, the acting, pretty damn good. But I still didn't like it.

Phantom has too much melodrama in it for me. It reminds me of a chick flick, and I don't like chick flicks, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I'd not like a chick flick on stage. It was entertaining, just not my cup of tea.

The others seemed to enjoy it, and that's cool. We rode down in a Hummer, my first time riding in one. I'm 6'1" and I still needed a step ladder to get into the damn thing. And it was huge, with leather interior and surround sound stereo system and while it was an awesome ride, it was also too decadent for me. Seriously, a family of four in most parts of the world, and large swatches of America, couldn't afford it, but could live inside it. It's crazy.

We ate at The Paper Moon Diner. Clicking there will take you to their website and you can see photos of what it looks like, and I can assure you, it looks exactly like that. Eccentric doesn't even begin to cover it. The food was good, I liked the atmosphere, although not all of them did.

And after the meal, it was to the Hippodrome for the play. Out seats were Orchestra, row R, and I got to sit right along the aisle. Awesome seats. ANd afterwards, we drove home singing to the music on an iPod. Everything from Frank Sinatra, to House of Pain, to 70's love ballads.

All in all, a great evening. And the third Saturday night in a row I've spent with Corey. If only it was more than just friends. *SIGH*

Then, last night, I celebrated my friend Me-Chell's birthday. It began with me going to her apartment and having a beer with her and her cute boyfriend Scott. Then two friends showed up, and then a third. Shortly we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and met two other friends. The group of us then proceeded to consume lots of alcohol, wings, other kinds of chicken, and played the video trivia game there. We even ate cake that some of the friends brought. A good time definitely had by all!

Just like the weekend as a whole! Great time had by all involved!

UPDATE: I forgot these...PHOTOS!

Maggie, squinting at me. She's Me-Chell and Scott's dog.

The birthday girl herself, Me-Chell! I'm not certain why she has that look on her face, but I blame the half dozen or more Coronas.

This the three people from my workplace that attended: Mama D., Chelsea, and of course, Yours Truly!

I took a photo of the cake from behind it, and that's why my hands' and the camera's shadows are in the way.

Me-Chell took this photo of it herself. You can see her shadows at the bottom of the photo. And then we cut it up and ate it! nom, nom, nom!



Tam said...

Sounds like a fun night. I've never seen Phantom and have no great desire to either but if someone asked me to go I wouldn't say no. You guys are practically going steady already, if only he was aware of it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Harumph. I saw a play/reading you probably would have enjoyed called "My Penis: An Exhibition"

Yep - buck ass naked! No cameras allowed though I had mine and was tempted to sneak.