Friday, April 23, 2010

Cause they're all different names for the same place...

I might have posted about this before, if I have forgive me.

I got an online coupon for 33% off a book a Borders. SO after work I went there. Got a magazine, a history book (all history books were 20% off) and used the coupon for 33% off of a Philip Dick scifi book. At any rate, when I was in there, I read an employees badge, and it brought back a memory from when I worked there. And I laughed right there in the store.

There was one Sunday when, before we opened, and I have no idea why, but we decided to change all the names on our lanyards. Zack became Thor, Lee became Andreas, I became Tallulah. Best of all, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking wanted to be Stephen Fury, but since he can't spell his way out of wet paper bag, he misspelled it Stephen Furry! And we wouldn't let him change the spelling, so he was Stephen Furry. Oh man, how we laughed at him! And how I still do.

I don't recall exactly, but I know we continued to wear them even after the store opened. But not for long. Someone used the intercom to call "Thor" to registers for help, and someone else called another one of us by the false name. Aand then the assistant manager on duty called out to us and told us we were done and had to stop and go back to our real names.

Nonetheless, it was a blast and one of my favorite memories from there. Stephen Furry....bwahahahahhhaha....


1 comment:

that's J-O-S-H said...

YAY FOR DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE LYRIX! My 4th most played artist on my Last.FM!